Chapter 4

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Reds pov

Ugh school well todays just been craptastic! For starters Maggie rushed off in the morning so I had to walk to school and that took 15mins so I arrived halfway through first period and the teacher was furious with me, and secondly everyone’s going on about a new guy that is so hot he doesn’t look human, well he may be a werewolf.

“Nicki seen the new guy yet?” I asked my best friend which is a guy.

“Yeah he’s super-hot, and if I was gay I would so ask him out,” Nicki replied dreamily, “oh and by the way everyone’s saying that Maggies his girlfriend, and when I saw them they were making out so that mystery’s solved,”

“Good work Sherlock, now I want to go seem him, he’s probably Alex that boy Maggie went out with and instantly fell in love with,” I said while looping my arm with Nicki’s and guiding him to the canteen.

“Oh that dude you were telling me about? The one that’s Maggie’s non-mate boyfriend,”

“Yeah him, now let’s go I’m starving and want to see yummy guy,” I say merrily, which makes Nicki chuckle.

As we approached the canteen we went past a table which was crowded by well everyone, so we guessed that was where the new kid was.

“Oh yes he’s the most romantic guy in the whole world,” I heard Maggie brag from inside the human barrier.

“Yeah Maggie’s a hot girl to suit my personality,” I heard someone say probably Alex.

I really wanted to see Alex I don’t even know why, but my wolf was howling for me to run to him.

“Nicki let’s get closer,” I said while dragging me and Nicki in, which caused some people to give us the finger which I gladly gave back to them.

And that was when I saw him ‘’my mate’’ I whispered to myself, but Nicki heard, while my heart started beated so fast I thought I was going to explode.

Omg he was hot with his jet black hair and sparkling green eyes, and did he have a yummy body, but he was going out with Maggie and she really likes him what should I do?

“Nicki let’s go,” I whispered while pulling Nicki back.

“Why Red is he your mate?” He whispered back, never taking his eyes away from Alex’s.


“Oh my sweet baby sister, what brings you to this side of the woods,” I hear Maggie say, while standing up and dragging me and Nicki to her table.

“Oh hey Maggie just checking out what all the stares were about,” I replied peachily.

“Oh they were probably staring at Alex, speaking of Alex I would like you to meet him,” She replied icily.

“Baby come meet my little sister,” She said while grabbing Alex’s hand and dragging him over to me and Nicki.

“I’m only your little sister by 5 minutes,” I mumbled.

“So it doesn’t matter you’re still my baby sister, but enough about that Alex this is my little sister Isabella, but you can call her Red you know cause of her fiery red hair,” She said in a duh tone which made me and Nicki laugh, but soonly stopped when Maggie sent us your dead to me looks, and trust me her looks like that are deadly.

“Holy crap,” was what Alex said like seriously that’s the only thing he could’ve said.

Alex’s Pov

No, no no she can’t be my mate out of all the people it had to be Maggie’s sister, god I hate the werewolf ancestors right now, I mean yeah she’s really beautiful with her wavy long red hair, hypnotizing blue eyes and her skinny curved body, and she’s mine, but I can’t just ditch Maggie like I know she’s aware of how she’s not my Girlfriend but only my toy but I’m still not gonna be a serious boyfriend it’s just not me.

“Baby what’s wrong?” Maggie said in her annoying voice, like seriously if she wasn’t hot I would just ditch her here and now, but then again she’s not as hot as ‘Red’ I like that nickname I think it suits her.

“Hmm oh nothing it’s just her,” I said in a rude voice, while pointing at Isabella, I know I was being mean but if I was never going to go out with her then I was gonna have to scare her away from me very early, even though it broke my heart to do so.

“You mean Red,” Maggie asked me.

“No shit Sherlock, of course I mean Red like seriously where did you get her geeks galore,” I muttered while eyeing Red and seeing tears form in her eyes, which made my inner wolf howl in pain, knowing I brought my baby sadness.

“You know what I don’t need to put up with your crap Alex seriously I know you have the whole school under your control but not me, because you know what? You’re the biggest two faced, ugly, dumb, self centered jerk in this world and that’s coming from someone that just met you!” she spat at me while dragging of some guy that I didn’t even know.

How dare she speak to me like that, her mate and an Alpha she has no right what so ever! Oh she is so going to get revenge cause as I say paybacks a bitch.


Hi everyone I hope you all liked that chapter!

next upload this saturday or even friday

Annipel xoxo

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now