Chapter 19

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How dare he call Izzy a prize! Oh I swear to god I’m going to kill that boy.

“Ok listen here buddy! Firstly I’m not a prize. Secondly I’m not going anywhere with you. And thirdly go blow up a doll cause I’m not giving you any action,” I small smile peaked from my lips as I heard Izzy growl those threatening words from behind me. I know I shouldn’t think it at a time like this but that really turned me on.

“Oh someone’s angry. Well sorry but I want you as my mate, and I always get what I want,” Jace stared at me when he said this which such authority in his voice but it wasn’t working on anyone, we weren’t in his pack.

“Just go away or else,” Izzy warned.

“Or else what? You gonna bitch slap me,” Jace laughed at his own joke, which by the way wasn’t funny.

“Well I could think of many ways to punish you ‘BIG’ ‘BAD’ ‘WOLF,” Izzy seductively strutted from behind me and wrapped her arms around Jace. Wait what the hell is she doing I growled as Jace’s eyes burned gold with lust. Izzy slowly leaned her head in to kiss Jace but as he closed his eyes she kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine.

“That is for actually thinking I would kiss your retarded granny ass,” Izzy smirked as she looked down on a groaning Jace, holding his nuts trying not to cry.

“Yo you Bitch! How dare you kick an Alpha like that and think you can get away with it! Well I have a proposition for you. The deal is you come and be my Luna if I let your dearly beloved go,” Jace slowly rose from the ground smiling mischievously.

“What do you mean? My dearly beloved is here,” Izzy asked pointing at me to prove her point.

Jace chuckled at Izzy’s gesture but soon enough composed himself, “Guards bring him in!” Jace bellowed with authority. Sure enough two guards brought in a fairly tall boy that looked in his early 20’s maybe even younger. He had blonde hair that was matted with dried blood, and sad blue eyes.

I wondered who this man could be. I’m sure Izzy wouldn’t know him, even though he slightly looked like Izzy’s Mother a bit.

As I cut out of my trance I turned my head to my mate to see her on the ground crying and shaking.

“Izzy who is he?” I collected Izzy in a bundle slowly rocking her back and forth, not caring about on-viewers.

“That’s my brother Aaron,” Izzy stuttered slowly tears still caressing her fragile face.

Oh Shit.


I watched as a man, most likely Isabella’s mate slowly tried to calm my favourite sister down. I honestly wished I could swap places with her mate so I could hug Bella and pretend like nothing is wrong.

If someone asked me how I got captured my answer would be ‘I don’t know.’ Last thing I remembered I was buying a birthday present for Elena my mate, and then I got injected and BAM I’m here. Oh shit Elena's going to kill me for getting captured.

“Bella,” I whispered to my crying sister with pain in my voice.

Bella’s face whipped at my voice and she longingly stared at me with sadness in her now dull eyes. At that moment I knew what she was going to do; I mean how could I not? I can read that girl like an open book.

“Ari you know don’t you?” She replied faintly.

“I do and I’m telling you now don’t you dare do it!” I raised my voice in panic oh god she cannot.

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now