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I sat at lunch listening to Quinn and Everly search the internet.

"How much hair dye would you need to dye at much hair? I mean, being the person with the longest hair in the world, it would be cool to have it all pink or something," Kamer said when she looked over Everly's shoulder.

"Well, it says the hair is 40 feet long..." Quin went off mumbling. Soon, she spoke up. "You would need 120 bottles of hair dye, and it would cost around 800 dollars to do it," she soon said.

"You solved that, but yet you refuse to spend five minutes on math homework!" Everly said.

"There are more important things than math homework," Quinn crossed her arms dramatically.

"Ok then," Everly rolled her eyes.

I thought about how these two got along so well, when they barley have anything in common.

"So," I broke their argument, "what do you guys think about the essay coming up in history?" I asked Everly and Kamer, since Quinn was In a different class.

"Oh! I'm almost done," Everly replied.

"Still need to do the last two paragraphs," Kamer said, "hey, Quinn, you're in the advanced class like us, right?"

"Yeah just at a different time," Quinn took a fork and stabbed her hamburger she was eating.

"So, how are you doing on you're essay?" I asked her.

"We had an essay? Oh crap!" Her eyes went wide as she almost choked on her hamburger.

"Yeah, it's due next Friday in our class," Everly said.

"Crap crap crap!" Quinn groaned.

I laughed, the joy of Quinn's forgetfulness filling my ears. Then, a voice whispered in my head, she's so stupid, you can't be friends with someone so stupid!

We got up to head to our next class, I couldn't help but wonder why I had that thought. I like Quinn, sure she spaces out a lot and forgets, but she has a good purpose.

<after school>

I walked over to my gate. Supposedly someone was picking me up today. I saw someone waving at me, I waved back showing I saw them. I walked up to the red car.

"Hey, I'm supposed to pick you up!" She had a nice tone and brown shoulder length hair.

"Ok, thanks!" I went around the car and went in the front seat.

"I'm Olivia, by the way. Your new chauffeur!" She exclaimed.

"I'm Cassidy,"

"I know, it was such an honor to be chosen to drive around the princess of my kingdom!" She said, driving into the fire kingdom.

We talked a bit and I learn a bit about my new driver.

"Thanks for the drive!" I said to Olivia.

"No problem! Tomorrow is a Saturday so sleep in, Cassidy!" She smiled.

I smiled back, "Trust me, I will!"

I walked into the house and tucked some of my red hair behind my ear. I dumped my bag on the floor and started walking towards the dining room, which leads into the kitchen.

Eat later! The dungeons supposedly has awesome secrets cooped up in there! I heard the voice in my head say.

I shrugged and turned towards the dungeons and fast walk towards the dungeon door. I looked around to see that no one was looking at me, but the place had no one there.

I snuck into the dungeons and down the stairs.

The air was cool and it was dark. There were a couple mice scurrying around. You know, the normal cliché dungeon.

All the doors I tried were locked shut. Until that one door...

"Why is this so cliché!" I mumbled to myself while creaking the door open.

There, alone in the room, was a single chest illuminated by a red light from one window, because of the one window shining in red light from the lava below it, really close to the window.

I walked up to it.

"Is there some cliché curse on this place?" I wondered aloud, pushing my hair out of my face.

I unlocked the chest with a key I found discarded on the floor next to it, and pushed it upward, causing it to open quickly and the top to clash on the back of it.

I cringed at the loud noise as it echoed around the room. I looked inside to see...

... Four glowing orbs, each a different color. Red with a shade of orange in it, green with some light brown, blue with some dark blue, and an off white orb, shaded a bit blue. I reached for the green one, but the second I made contact with it a sharp electric shock. I pulled back and held my palm.

"Ow," I pouted.

Then it hit me. I went and slowly grabbed the red one. I felt a surge of energy towards me. I picked it up, the red and orange orb glowing brighter in my hand. My eyes widened.

"Cassidy! Cassidy where are you?" It was the faint sound of Mom.

I out the orb back and closed the chest, grabbing the key, and ran up stairs.

I looked out the dungeon door and saw my mom looking in the other direction. I quickly ran out of the stair way and shut the room.

"Hey Mom," I groped the key harder for some reason.

"Hey, so, how was school?" She walked over to me.

"Great, I'm going up to my room, you know to get some homework done," I said quite quickly.

"Oh! That's a good idea! I'll let you get on to that!" She smiled at me and walked off in the other direction calling to someone.

I ran up the spiral stairs and rushed to my room. Once the door slammed shut I grabbed my phone.

"Hey Cassidy!" I heard Kamer's voice ring out.

"Listen, can you call the other two and and tell them to come to my place tomorrow at noon?" I told Kamer.

"Oh! It must be urgent! I will!" Then she hung up.

I breathed. Something about those things was weird, and why I couldn't touch the others except for the red one, which made some sense. Bit cliché, but it made sense. Why does my brain know where to go?

Through all these questions, one thing rang out more than everything else.

I'm still hungry.

(Picture is of Cassidy's orb)

Bond of the Elements (Book 1 in the BOE Trilogy) Where stories live. Discover now