The Orbs

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(Above is Kamer's orb)

It was Sunday, when Quinn, Everly, and Kamer were going to come over.

It was five minutes until they should come. I waited in my room while fiddling with my fingers as I anticipated their arrival. 

Five minutes past. I ran down stairs and looked around, they weren't here. I wasn't expecting them to be here exactly at the time I told them to arrive.

A minute later the three of them rushed in. "Ok, what's so important Cass?" Kamer rushed up to me and put her hands in my shoulders.

"Follow me," I went to the dungeon door and opened it. I felt around my neck to feel the cool metal of the key, which I put on a chain for safe keepings. 

The sound of our feet hitting the stone floors echoed around the hallway when we walked to the room with the orbs.

I opened the door to see the chest still there, the light illuminating the room dimly, just like before. I kneeled at the chest and took of the chain with the key.

"Quick question, what are you doing and why are we in the dungeons?" I heard Everly ask.

I turned and face the heirs. "Yesterday, a weird voice in my head told me to go into the dungeons, so I did. I found this chest, and in it are something truly spectacular." 

I turned back and unlocked the chest. The orbs were still there, glowing. 

"Omg. This is amazeballs- or should I say Amaze-orbs!" I heard Quinn gasp from behind me. 

I stood up and faced them. 

"Yesterday, I tried to grab the green one, but it electrocuted me, but the red one didn't. I think the colors represent our element. For when I picked up the red one, a surge of energy seemed to flow through my body, and the orb glowed stronger," I explained to them the story of how I came across these spheres.

"Got it," Kamer went over to the box and inspected them, before going for the blue one, she picked it up with ease. 

It glowed stronger, of course. She smiled. 

"Now I see, this makes more sense to me now!" She walked away from the chest with the orb in hand. 

Everly went next and picked up the green and brown one. It glowed more green. 

Quinn then went to the chest, and frowned. 

"Mine is The most boring compared to the others," she looked at me confused.

I looked at it, and it was glowing stronger than the others, which was odd. "Huh, never thought of it that way." 

She picked it up, and it glowed stronger, as I expected.

I picked up mine and went over to the others, which were looking at the orbs. Everly looked at it with awe, while Kamer looked at the with a smile on her face, Quinn just looked like she wanted to see what would happen if she dropped it. 

I cleared my throat, and they all looked up. 

"Ok, so, let's sit down and see what these things can do," I sat down, the others doing the same.

I held my arm out straight, holding the red and orange orb in the middle. Quinn was the first to understand, and did the same, holding hers inches apart from mine, then Everly and Kamerblynn. 

"Um... Now what?" Quinn questioned.

"This didn't go as planned," I mumbled to myself.

"Look!" Everly exclaimed.

Bond of the Elements (Book 1 in the BOE Trilogy) Where stories live. Discover now