19. Merry Christmas!

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- Ooooh, my head ...

Jorel pulled off the couch and looked around the room. Just as he predicted, his friends didn't even reached the bedroom. Charlie was lying next to the seat, Kurlzz fell asleep under the TV, Funny and Steph slept on themselves in the kitchen, and Johnny were huddled in a corner of the living room.

The boy rubbed his neck with his hand and stepped over the sleeping bodies, heading for the kitchen. He pulled out of the refrigerator a carton of orange juice and drank half of it. It earned him a relieved, but he still felt badly. He decided to make breakfast.

The smells coming from the kitchen began to awaken company.

- Do you feel as bad as you look? - said Decker, laughing under his breath.

Stephanie waggled her fist.

- Watch your mouth, Dekcer ... Oh, my head! I go in the shower.

- Need any company? - Matthew grinned, rising from the ground.

The girl gave him a murderous look, after which he resigned from his idea. Instead he dragged into the kitchen.

- What's for breakfast?

- Depends on what you will make - said Jorel.

Kurlzz winced.

- I was joking. Scrambled eggs.

Jorel picked up a large frying pan and began to decompose portions on previously prepared plates. They started to eat, knowing that the shower will take the girl at least an hour. Whenever she had a hangover, she spent there forever.

During breakfast Aaron appeard.

Kurlzz immediately stood up and started to get excited about yesterday evening.

- Dude, you don't even know what you've missed! We played yesterday the first real concert and ...

- I do not give a shit - Deuce interrupted him - Where is that slut?

Everyone looked at him in amazement.

- What the fuck? - Charlie asked, biting bun with cheese.

- They told me she was yesterday at the club and she was with random guys - said Aron.

Ragan laughed.

- Do you hear yourself? She is like a crystal in comparison to you. You know perfectly well that she would never betray you, even though you are doing it.

- Shut up - snapped Erlichman. - Where is she?

- She's out - Matt shrugged. - With some friends.

- When she'll be back, tell her that I need to speak with her.

After these words, Aaron left.

Stephanie appeared in the kitchen a moment later. She was wearing Jorel's fluffy bathrobe.

- Aaron was here? It seemed to me that I heard his voice - she said, leaning against the kitchen counter.

- He was, but as usual, nothing good came of it. He claimed that yesterday you were cheating on him, he was cursing and then he left - Charlie summed up the whole situation.

Stephanie looked at him like an idiot. When he said nothing more, she sighed, realizing that Charlie was not joking.

- I'm gonna get some rest.

- You won't eat? - Jorel looked at her in surprise.

Steph rarely refuse to eat.

- Somehow I passed my appetite - she said, then went upstairs.

Throughout the day Jorel wondered what to do with Aaron. The boy kept getting worse, he wasn't showing up on rehersals, he treated Steph like a trash. J began to have enough. But he could not find a way out of the situation. They were going to release the new album, all bode them a long and fruitful career, while now everything was falling apart. Guy, which created the Hollywood Undead didnt give a shit about it anymore. And no one want to sing the fucking chorus. So they were stuck.

So far Jorel had no possibility of movement in any direction with this case. He worried only about Steph. It was a toxic relationship, where beyond Steph and Aaron, the rest of the band suffered too. And especially himself. He did not want to be selfish, but things become more and more complicated. He did not know how long he will be able to deal with his feelings. Feelings for Steph grew with each passing day, it was hard to stay so close to her and not being able toshow her how much he love her. Every now and then reproached himself that from the beginning he should fight for her, and that now it's too late, although he did not want to believe it.

Christmas came quickly. Everyone spent the first day with their families. Even Steph visited her father and she bought him a small gift. Exceptionally he was sober. They sit, talk. For the first time since long it has been normal. Stephanie was glad that at least once a year she have the opportunity to talk with her father.

The next day the boys and Stephanie spent together. They put a huge Christmas tree at Decker's house, Dylan baked cake. But the most fun they had when exchanging the gifts.

- Fuck, the new Call of Duty! Thanks, Steph! You are the best! - Kurlzz enjoyed his present very much.

Funny Man eagerly opened his package.

- Socks ...? - He asked, slightly disappointed by removing it from the box. - Wait, something is inside... Marijuana! That's awesome!

With a broad smile, he took the bag with the drug.

Charlie got a black-and-white bandanna with his pseudonym, panoramic views of LA and that same inscription on it.

- Now you don't have to wear this bag with Del Taco - Jorel said.

Johnny received a gift certificate for a new tattoo, and J-Dog received new guitar.

- Best gift ever - J said, thanking friends.

It's time for Stephanie. The boys fell silent, looking at her intently. Steph looked at them in astonishment.

- Now I'm afraid it open - she admitted with a laugh.

She developed the paper. Inside was a small box. She opened it. Her eyes appeared pretty silver necklace with the letters HU lined with black diamonds. She looked at it, confused.

- Jesus, probably cost a fortune - she said, embarrassed. She did not like getting gifts, especially the expensive ones.

- Come on, at least we will know who is our number one fan - Dylan said, winking.

- Thank you, boys. You are wonderful.

Jorel approached her. Steph brushed her hair, and the boy fastened the necklace around her neck.

- Merry Christmas!

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