23. Cocaine sickness

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She came back in the morning. Everyone was waiting for her. Among them was Jorel, angry as hell.

"Where were you? We were worried! "

Decker walked toward her and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"I am not five anymore, I don't need to explain to you", said Stephanie furious and she snatched from his grasp.

Steph threw Natalie hateful look, then she marched to the upstairs.

She didn't have the slightest desire to talk to anyone. Jorel's all attention was focused on his new old friend, so he won't listen to her at all. The boys had known Natalie for a long time, and apparently they didn't see anything bad in renewing acquaintances. But Stephanie hated that girl. She knew that because of her Jorel recently behaved strangely. She was afraid of him. In part, she was also jealous, but mostly she felt fear. Fear for the life of a friend. Stephanie knew what drugs can do to a man. Her father sometimes took, a cousin overdosed. Besides Aaron also was taking, and that's what was going on with him when he did... So she kept a distance from drugs. Meanwhile, that bitch apparently was taking this shit with J-Dog, slowly dragging him into this. Stephanie really wanted to do something but did not know how to go about it. She can not allow something to happen to someone through this stuff. Especially, if that person was her Jorel.

She lay the bed and stared at the ceiling. It took a few hours, the sun had time to traverse the greater part of the sky. Someone knocked on the door. She ddn't even look up. She ddn't want to talk to anyone.

To her fury, guest turned out to be Natalie.

"Can we talk?" She asked, as if nothing had happened.

"Get out of here. You're the last person I want to see now. "

No paying attention of being ejected, Natalie closed the door and she sat on Steph's bed.

"Listen. I know exactly what happened between you and Jorel. You don't even know how much pain you made him, so stop being so holy, okay? I'm helping him. I help him to pick up, forget about you. Take care of your boyfriend, and leave Jorel to me. Believe me, the more you move away from him, the better he will live. Remember that. "

"Was that supposed to be a threat?"

Stephanie lifted up on one elbow, looking at the blonde in surprise.

"Let's say a little advice for the future."


Alarmed by the scream, Matt and Jordon ran into the room.

"What's happening?!"

"This lady has to get the fuck out of here," said Steph, then stood up and led Natalie into the hall.

Then she returned to her room and slammed the door.

She could not believe what she just heard.

Although... Perhaps the girl is right? Maybe she really should left Jorel, after all, she already messed his life enough. Perhaps without her he would be happie ...

Her thoughts were ended by Dylan apperance.

"Fuck, no, no next. In this house you really can't have a moment of peace anymore? "

"Listen, baby," said Alvarez. "I'm beginning to suspect that you were right about Natalie. But we must be sure one hundred percent that she gives J stuff."

Steph raised her hands up.

"Praise the lord, finally. I love you, Dilly. So, what's your plan? "

"We will arrange a party and say that we have no drugs. If she offer something, we'll talk with her. "

Steph nodded.

"And what then?"

"Then we'll see."

As they said, they did. But it turned out that Natalie is smart. She did not want to reveal in front of them, so when they asked her, whether she is able to do something, she refused.

"I am not in this already."

She gave Jorel a meaningful look, which unfortunately, only saw Steph.

So the drug-and-Natalie thing stuck in place. The boys did not want to expose themselves to Jorel and spoil his happiness, so they don't intervene, but on the other hand, they felt that something was wrong.

The situation was hopeless.

One day a bad accident had occurred. Stephanie was sitting in her room, reading a book. In thee house was also Jorel, but they weren't talking to each other. They avoided each other like the plague, since that night, during which she ran away from home.

Suddenly the girl heard something. Breaking glass. She jumped out of bed and ran to the ground floor. She saw Jorel, thrashing around the room. He had convulsions, blank, absent gaze, his skin was as white as a sheet. Steph frightened.

"J, what's happening?"

"I need... aces..."

The girl run to her phone and she called Dylan.

"You have to come here, Jorel is having convulsions. We need cocaine, quickly."

"Fuck, I'm trading with weed, no hard drugs!"

"Dylan, please, you have to help him!"

"Okay, give me a sec."

Fifteen minutes later Dylan came up with a "cure." Jorel was lying on the couch with his head on Steph knees and she tried not to let him lose consciousness.

"Youre sweating like my grandpa, dude," said Dylan, preparing the appropriate dose.

Decker immediately jumped up from the couch and snort the line.

"Thanks dude..."

Stephanie and Dylan looked at each other in silence.


I know that this gif does not fit to this chapter, but CAN YOU SEE IT? I'M DYING

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