4. You look like not you

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Jorel's P.O.V

Rehersal missed in a strange atmosphere. The whole time he couldn't concentrate, he thought only about Stephanie.

They played the song "City" for the fourth time. About halfway Charlie threw a guitar in the corner and looked at Jorel.

- Fuck, man, the fourth time you fucking mistaken the notes. What's the matter with you today?

J put the guitar aside, sat down and buried his face in his hands.

- I don't know dude, I don't know.

- But I know. It's about our birdie, right? - Funny Man sat down next to him.

Jorel was silent.

- According to me you should tell her what's going on. I like Aron, but - let's be honest - you're much better. I don't know where she has her eyes, really.

- Besides, I wonder why you hadn't picked her up when you met her - Johnny said, leaning against the wall of the garage.

- Fuck, Ragan, she was fifteen! I shall come forth for pedophile!

- Right.

- But, fuck, look - said Busek - the guy is 40 years old and girl is 35, and no one would say anything, but when twenty-year-old wants to have some fun with fifteen ...

- Enough - Jeffrey interrupted him - what you say is sick. There is a difference in the psyche of fifteen-year-old and thirty-five-year-old. You're sick fucker. Fucking philosopher.

- Guys, you don't help me - J-Dog looked at them in turn.

- J, you know what? Ignore it. Let her convince herself how wonderful is Deuce. We will help her in this a little, and you don't have to worry. After all, she will come to you. You will see.

Decker did not look convinced.

- Already this whole Ray plunged him. Fucking plumber. He doesn't see the difference between the french and the normal key - snorted Jordon, adjusting glasses.

- Everything will work out, man - Funny patted him on the back. - And now let's get back to work.


- Fuck, look how many views on MySpace! Holy shit, we rule!

Da Kurlzzs cry alerted all present.

- Wow, well, beautiful. This is the thing that we have to celebrate - Stephanie said.

- I have a better idea. Let's make a video - suggested Deuce.

- How?

Jorel looked at Matt, then at Aron.

- It's a good idea. All we need is camera, an idea and some people. Nothing hard.

- Okay, but does anyone have any idea?

Stephanie looked at the boys.

- Actually ... I guess I have - said Johnny, smiling. - But first we will make masks.

- Fuck, completely have no idea - complained Funny Man.

Da Kurlzz laughed from above his white, paper mask.

- Preferably something that will cover your ugly snout - he said.

Funny grabbed a vase standing on the table and was about to throw it, but thought better of it.

- Dude, it's a good idea - he said. - Stephanie, do you have some material?

The girl looked at him in surprise.

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