30. I'm leavin, J.

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When she returned home, J-Dog was there alone. After his expression she immediately guessed that it's all over.

Deuce left.

"How did he take it?"

Jorel looked up, pursed his lips in a thin line. Then he sighed and shrugged.

"He got mad. He threatened us. He said that we are a bunch of ingrates, and that we will remember him. And then he left. Probably he went for a drink. "

Stephanie crossed her arms over her chest. She nodded.

"You did well. At first I was furious and could not imagine it. I guess I wanted to keep us all together, you know. To make it as at the beginning. Now I see that it was tilting at windmills. "The girl closed her eyes. "But I thought about it all and this is the moment where our paths diverge."

Decker looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm leaving, J."

These two words were enough to Jorel felt as if she dug the dagger in his heart. He could not believe what he just heard.

"You're not serious. The fact that Aaron was thrown out, does not mean ... "

"I do not know how it will supposed to look, Jorel," she said, feeling the tears falling down her face. "Too many memories, I couldn't just be with you all, without him. I know it's sick, but I still love him. In spite of all his mistakes. If I won't leave, I will have to live with that feeling to the end. I'm so sorry"

Jorel approached her and without a word locked her in a hug. It hurt him. Oh God, it fuckin hurt. The very thought that he won't see her anymore was awful. But he loved her, most in the world. And sometimes to love is to let someone go.

But before he does, he must do something else. Keep the last common memory.

Stephanie must have sensed what Jorel plans, cause she lifted her head and united their lips in a kiss.

A few minutes later, they moved to his bedroom to taste intoxicating moments for the last time. That was what they both so desperately wanted.

He woke up because of the sun rays coming through the window. He rubbed his eyes, wincing, then held out his hand. So, as expected, the other side of the bed was empty. He rose to a sitting position and saw a small piece of paper, covered by her writing. He unfolded it and read.

"Forgive me. That's not how it was supposed to look like. I am sorry that I hurt you, I regret that I fell in love with Aaron, when you were always nex to me, ready to give your life for me. Remember that I will always love you.

Steph. "

Decker crumpled sheet into a ball and tossed it across the room. He buried his face in his hands and a sob came out of his chest.

Stephanie sat on the plane that would take her away from here. She decided to travel to Maine, across the United States. She did not know yet what awaits her in the future, but she wasn't afraid. She was sure that somehow she will survive.

Deuce hasn't contacted with her. Apparently he decided that since his adventure with HU is ended, the same is with their relationship. She did not cry. Actually, she felt nothing. She still loved him, but the feeling was weakening. She hoped that in Maine it will disappear completely.

She was still thinking about what she said to Jorel. She spoke the truth. Until recently she believed that this is only the beginning of their adventure, which will last forever, until the end. That in forty years, when everyone will be old and unattractive, and Hollywood Undead wll finish their successful career, they will still be friends. Sit with their children and grandchildren in a huge house, remember the past.

Meanwhile, the whole bubble, which she created herself, was brutally torn. She could not stay here, could no longer see purpose in being with the boys. Without he they will survive, now she had to rest, start all over again.

Will she ever come back? Perhaps. But at the moment, nothing was certain.

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