15. Do you have a girlfriend?

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Stephanie woke up with a loud moan. The light hurt her eyes,  something was still buzzing in her head and she felt like she had a Sahara desert in her mouth. With each move her head was getting closer to eruption. With great effort she rose to a sitting position and rubbed her eyes. In front of her came Jorel with a cup of hot broth.

- It's from shop, because unfortunately I cannot cook, but it will help. Hold - he said, looking at her with an unreadable expression on his face.

Brunette was avoiding his gaze. She was ashamed. She could hardly remember last night. She had never been in a state like this. She noted in memory that she must apologize Matt and immediately thank him for bringing her back home.

Decker took the cup and smiled.

- Thank you. God, I'm so ashamed, I don't know what came over me - she began uncertainly.

She wondered why always caring Jorel still does not start another tirade from the series "You should be more careful." How to annoy the boy just stood and in silence was watching her.

- Say something - she said, staring at the cup.

- I have nothing to say. You needed to relieve somehow. I'm just glad you were not alone. You did wisely calling to Matt - J shrugged. He went to the dresser and began going through figures standing on it.

Stephanie almost could not believe her ears, but decided not to pull on this topic. Another important issue began to knock on her brain, a fragment of yesterday's visit in the bar. At some point Kurlzz said something ... strange.

- J, do you have a girlfriend?

Jorel whirled toward her, knocking the cabinet figurine of an elephant. He looked at her confused.

- What? Who told you such things? How did it come to your mind?

Steph frowned. Boy was acting... unnaturaly.

- I am not sure... I heard something yesterday... But - she waved - forget it. Apparently I must've heard wrong.

- I don't have a girlfriend, okay? You would first knew about this - said Jorel with a clear focus on the word "no". Only now he seemed to be annoyed, though a matter of fact Steph said nothing of the sort.

Miss Carter was eager to continue to consider it, but her mind appeared clear resistance manifesting itself in the form of horrendous pain, so she gave up trying to solve the riddle. She knew then and so will return to her whenever she'll feel up to it. She took a drink of salvation while feeling strange. Always situation was opposite - she saved hangovered guys, not the other way around.

Steph felt better, so she wanted to catch up in learning which she left yesterday to bring herself into oblivion. It wasn't her given, because Aron as always showed a great sense of time.

- Hi honey, how are you? - he asked, sitting down next to her and stifling her in a hug.

- Dude, please don't yell, the World Trade Center collapses on my head.

Brunette pulled away from Deuce and buried her head in a pillow.

- What's wrong?

- I've got a hangover.

- What? You? Hahaha, I don't believe, miss holy had been drinking. How much? Half a glass? - Aron mocked her mercilessly.

Stephanie winced.

- Save it, Aron.

- You shouldn't drink that much - The boy did not give up.

- I will never ever touch alcohol again.

- You know, your father need rehab like that, definitely.

Brunette slowly raised her eyes and looked at his partner in disbelief.

- It was cruel. Get out of my face.

Erlichman stand irritably.

- Fuck, yo fucking princess, you cannot say anything. This is the truth, darling, and there's nothing you can do about it.

- You son of a bitch, get out! - Steph threw a pillow at him, then buried her face in her hands.

Deuce went out, slamming the door.

Jorel watched the whole scene, standing in the doorway connecting the kitchen with living room. He felt completely helpless. He went to Steph, he sat down beside her and locked her in the embrace of his arms.

- Tell me, what am I doing wrong? - she asked softly, nuzzling into his chest.

The boy pursed his lips. He did not have an answer.

- Aron, where are you? I'm waiting for you for an hour ... We'll be late, you know how it is important for me ... What? Aron, you promised ...

The next moment the phone flew across the room and with bang hit the wall.

Stephanie sat on the bed and buried her face in her hands.

The door to her room opened and Jorel's head slipped inside.

Concerned about the noise decided to see what was happening.

- Aron stood me up. Today is the party in college that I told you about. He promised that he will come, but 15 seconds ago he told me he is in Vegas. What the fuck is he doing in Vegas?

She was frustrated. Apart from the fact that she lost the money she paid for admission, she had no one to go with. Besides, Mary certainly is waiting for her, along with Andrew. Steph had everything prepared, and because of that idiot she will spend the evening at home. She had enough of everything. It was definitely one of the worst days of her life.

- Listen, if you want ... - said J - It just so happens that I don't have plans for today. I can be your partner. All in all, I would be honored.

Brunette looked up.

- Are you serious? - She asked hopefully.

Jorel scratched his head.

- Sure, why not. It will be great.

- J, you're the most wonderful man in the world! - Stephanie shrieked and threw herself on his neck. Decker smiled and hugged her, congratulating himself his ingenuity.

- Okay, so I will quickly get dressed, and we can go.

- Soo I will go look for something ... nice - Decker walked briskly to look for something that would be suitable for this type of event.

He had a problem, just because he did not have a suit, which in his closet was unnecessary element. He took out a clean, black jeans, the white shirt with a black tie and jacket in the same color. He dressed and silently counting on the fact that nobody will pay attention to his black sneakers. He stood in front of the mirror, rating his appearance on "decent". He made final adjustments, sprinkled profusely perfume and waited fifteen minutes, then went to the Steph room and knocked.

- Birdie? Are you ready?

He stepped away from the door. Moments later the door opened, and Jorel's jaw dropped to the ground.

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