26. It's better for him not to do it

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She did, as she said.

Next day, Natalie didn't appeared at Jorels house. The boy went to her, but there was no one at home. He came back home upset and angry, where, as usual, sat 5/6 of the band.

"This is your job, isn't it?" He asked, looking at them with hate.

His gaze lingered longer on Stephanie. Girl curled up.

"What are you talking about?"

"Natalie left."

"Finally. She started to play on my nerves," said Aaron, and as if nothing had happened, he began to grease a roll with butter.

"You better play not on MY nerves otherwise it will end bad for you!" Decker yelled and went to his room.

For a few days he did not go out of the room. In the end, scared as hell about him, Steph dared to go inside.

The view was appalling.

Jorel was laying in bed, wrapped around sheets, writhed in pain. The girl did not immediately guessed that these effects are because of not taking drugs for a long time, when your body is addicted. At the moment Jorel's body fought with poison surging through his body.

Brunette went to bed on shaky legs. Jorel jaws were tightly clenched, every muscle was strained. From time to time he muttered something under his breath, then screamed again.

Stephanie couldn't stand it. She ran out and called Dylan.

"You have to wait, J must deal with it by himself. We'll be there in few minutes, we will help you keep an eye on him. "

Thus began a period of Jorel's struggle with addiction. All his friend were helping him. They wanted him back, they wanted him to be in good shape for their first concert. They wanted their friend to come back to them.

It was hard. At times it seemed that Jorel was going to give up, and throw himself again into the addiction. He often asked Funny Man for some stuff. Equally often he cried at night, when his body was burning with fire. Steph was with him the whole time, not abandoning him on the step (to the displeasure of her boyfriend). She doesn't went away even when he cursed her and when he told her horrible things. She felt guilty about him. If she didn't had rejected him, he wouldn't run away into the arms of Natalie and everything would be fine. Almost everythin, cause obwioulsy she would lose Aaron. The situation was for her unbearable, she wanted to somehow be able to make amends to a friend unrequited affection, though she doubted it was possible.

It has been three long days. On the fourth day there was an improvement, although Jorel was stil looking awful. He managed to get up on his feet and go downstairs to eat chicken soup prepared by mom Kurlzz. Everyone anxiously awaited for a sudden attack of anger or convulsions, but the minutes passed, and nothing like that was coming.

"You will just stand there and stare at me?" Jorel asked.

At one point they all began to pretend that they have something important to do.

Only Stephanie stayed.

"I am glad that you are finally with us," she said, putting her hand on the boy's hand.

Decker, however, took his hand, looking at friend.

"I am happy too. And thank you."

Stephanie stared into his eyes, trying to read something from them and at the same time send him her emotions. Her eyes were expressind a sincere apology and regret that things went the way they do. Jorel seemed to understand, because he smiled and went back to eating soup.

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