Meeting the Stilinski's

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Beacon Hills. As of today, it was now the place I called home. It had only been a week since my eighteenth birthday passed and since the day my mom announced that she had wanted to move to get a fresh start. I couldn't really blame her for wanting to move away and to get out of that wretched house. After all the crap my dad had put her through, I think it would be a nice change to just get away from this place..and away from him. It sucks leaving my friends, but Beacon hills is only about an hour away from where I lived before, so it's not to far away.

 My mind wandered as my mom and sister got out of the car and took a look at our new home. Once I finally took a look for myself, I noticed that it looked to be a small two story Victorian house with decently sized porch as well a smaller balcony that I could only assume was attached to one of the bedrooms.

“I call dibs on the bedroom with the balcony!” I announced before anyone else could get the chance to take it.

A grin tugged at the corners of my mouth as neither my mom or sister decided to argue with me over the room. I slowly trailed behind them as they walked up the gravel path to the house while I took in all the surroundings and noticed a tire swing hanging from one of the trees. All together, the house looked pretty homey and inviting. After I took a grand tour of the house, I skipped back outside and started to unload some of my boxes from the u-haul. I trudged upstairs and instantly dropped the boxes on my bedroom floor when I looked out of the window and saw my mom talking to what looked to be an officer.

Oh god. I haven't even been here for a few minuets and they're already here. There is no way in hell I've managed to do something that requires the cops to be here yet. I thought to myself as I quickly went back downstairs and outside.

“Mr. Stilinski, this is my eldest daughter Elizabeth. She's a senior, so maybe her and your son will see each other in school” I heard my mom introduce me to the officer and the boy that was standing next to him looking a little awkward.

“Uh..hey.” I replied with a fake small wave while eying the boy that seemed to be around my age.

Not wanting to just stand around awkwardly, I started to grab some more boxes to carry to the house but shortly after I started to fumble with them a bit.

“Stiles, why don't you help Elizabeth carry some of this stuff. She would probably appreciate the help.” I heard the boy's dad tell him.

Shortly after that was said, I felt some of the weight get lifted off of me as “Stiles” took one of the boxes out of my grip and started to follow me into the house. Once we dropped the boxes off in my room, he seemed to be trying to to make conversation with me, but at a loss for words.

“So Elizabeth...that's a nice name” I heard him say. I tried my best not to giggle at his attempt at small talk.

“So Stiles...that's an interesting name.” I responded jokingly to him.

“Okay, so that wasn't the best way to start a conversation.” he laughed a little. He seemed a little less awkward than he had before.

“Just a little. By the way, you can call me Beth. It's less formal” I stated with a smile. So far he seemed okay enough.

“Awesome. So Beth, make made you guys move here?” he questioned me.

I instantly thought back to everything that me and my family had gone through for the past year and of all the bad memories that my dad had left with us, but I wasn't going to tell this kid any of that. I barely even knew him.

“Oh you know, just needed a change of scenery and some place that's not so boring.” I lied to him. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't totally believe all of that, but I was okay with that.

“Well, Beacon Hills is certainly not boring...” He said, though something about the way he said it seemed off. I decided not to question it though.

“So, your dad's an officer. How does that work for you?” I said, trying to change the subject.

“I tend to...get into trouble a lot.” he confessed. I had a feeling that Stiles and I would get along just fine. He seemed like a cool kid to hang around with.

“Well, uh, thanks for helping me carry those in. I better get back down there before my mom wonders what's taking so long.” I responded.

“Yeah, me to. My dad will probably be wanting to leave soon and I'm supposed to be meeting up with friend here in a few.” he replied back as he started to follow me outside.

Once we made It outside, me and my mom said goodby to the Stilinski's and made sure all the boxes had made it inside. It was currently seven in the evening and now that all the boxes had made their way inside the house, it was finally time to get some dinner.

“So, what did you think of Stiles?” my mom asked me with a sly smile.

“Seriously mom? I just met him.” I replied back to her with an annoyed expression.

“Maybe, but at least you'll know someone when you start school on Monday” she shot back.

“Well, I thought he was pretty cute” my sister said, pushing herself into the conversation.

Abby was fifteen and completely boy crazy. It seemed like every week she had someone new that she was crushing on. 

“Fine. Maybe I'll let him know that when I see him next.” I teased her knowing that would get under her skin.

“Don't even think about it Beth!” she shrieked at me with a look of panic in her eyes.

“Abby just calm down. Beth, you know better.” My mom interrupted, giving me a stern look.

“Fine, fine. I'll stop” I responded with a hint of annoyance in my voice and finished off the rest of my food.

After dinner I went upstairs to take a quick shower before heading back to my room and slipping into some black shorts and a tank top to sleep in. Without much thought, I walked over to the balcony and slid the curtains open as I took a look outside. Stars lit up the sky as the full moon shone brightly and made the stars look even brighter. It was a beautiful sight so I couldn't help but to slide the balcony door open and take a step outside.

The cool night breeze danced across my face and blew my blond hair out of my face while I got a sudden chill down my spine. All in all, it was a pleasant feel since my skin was still really warm from the shower I had taken not to long ago. I closed my eyes and a calm feeling washed over me. A few minuets later my eyes jolted open as I heard something that sounded really similar to a howl.

Oh just relax. There hasn't been wolves in California for many years. I'm probably just mistaking it for some other animal. I thought to myself as I walked back into my room, closing and locking the balcony door before laying in bed and letting sleep over come me.

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