Finding out about Hale

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I had a really hard time sleeping that night and spend most of it tossing and turning due to my restless mind, but eventually was able to fall asleep around two in the morning...too bad that I had school in the morning. It was around six thirty in the morning that my alarm finally went off and dragged me out of my peaceful slumber. Despite my lack of sleep, I quickly got ready and sent a text to Stiles.

Hey Stiles, can you meet me outside of the school?

Sure...why? I read his response and debated over how I wanted to word it.

I just wanna talk to you is all :) I replied to him, trying to be vague so that he hopefully wouldn't try to avoid me.

The drive to school felt like it was taking forever, but in reality it had only taken me ten minuets to get there...just like every other day. After my car was parked and turned off, I sat there silently and stared out my window as I focused on the person that I had asked to meet me. He looked sort of nervous so I figured it was time to get it over with and stepped out of my car and brushed some of my loose blond strands of hair behind my ear.

I shuffled past some students as the stood by their cars talking with their friends and started to walk in Stile's direction but from the corner of my eye I saw Scott walk over to Allison. It was obvious by his gestures and body language that he was trying to feed her some excuse as to why he stranded her at the party, and by the looks of it, she seemed to accept it.

“So uh, what did you wanna talk about?” Stiles said as he interrupted my thoughts.

“Well, how about we start with what the hell happened last night? I spat out at him.

“You see, really sick!” he answered back.

“...You mean to tell me that he got sick so he decided to ditch Allison at the party instead of just letting her know what was going on?” I said back, confused and unconvinced with his answer.

“Beth, you have to trust me when I say that Scott had an extremely good reason for doing what he did.”He tried to explain to me, putting emphasis on the word “extremely”

“Fine. I'll accept for answer for now, but that doesn't mean I believe it.” I said with a huff

After my brief talk with Stiles, I let out a sigh and huffed off into the school and to my locker. I spend a few moments at my locker going over everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks. The one good thing that had come out of it so far was the fact that I had yet to come face to face with “Hale” again, though I still hadn't really made an effort to find out what his first name was, then again, I had been busy with school. I went to class and tried my best not to fall asleep as I waited for lunch to come around.

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When lunch finally came I couldn't have been more relieved. I rushed to my locker and which out my books and glided how the hall to the lunch room. After grabbing some food, I sat down at a table along with Allison and Lydia.

“So, I see you forgave Scott.” I stated casually as I bit into an apple.

“Yeah. I mean I know that he stranded me at the party, but he sincerely apologized about it.” she explain to me

“I don't know Allison. Don't you think it's odd that he wanted to apologized but wouldn't give you a reason why he even did it?” I questioned her. She started to look uneasy.

“So, you two coming to the game tonight?” Lydia announced and changed the subject. It was probably for the best.

“You know I'll be there.” Allison chimed in with a smile. I decided to just go along with it for the time being.

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