A Night of Terror Pt. 1

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(A.N. : I changed some of the sequence of events around to fit the story line a bit better, so if you don't like that, sorry. Also there is language in this as a heads up.)

My heart was now racing so fast that I was sure that it was gonna jump out of my chest or stop all together any moment now. All three of us were trying to hold the school doors shut with as much strength that our bodies could muster. Part of me kept thinking about the thing I had just came face to face with only mere seconds ago...the whole sight of it terrified me and now it was after me and my friends. The thought of it doing to me what it had done to Derek scared me the most.

“Lock it, lock it!” I heard Scott yell at his best friend

“Does it look like I have a key?” Stiles shot back in just as much panic as Scott had, had.

“Grab something!” I heard a panicked Scott speak up again

“Like what?!” he yelled back.

Normally when these two would get into an argument like this I would step between them and tell them both to chill out, but I was still in my state of shock and couldn't seem to muster up any words. I stood there and continued to hold the door shut with as much strength as I could while the two boys seemed to have gotten quiet. After a few seconds of silence, Stiles looked out the window and caused Scott to yell at him again.

“No!” he yelled out. I was confused as to why he was saying no.

“Yes.” he responded, but Scott didn't seem to take well to that.

“Stiles, no.” he said once more, but this time a little more sternly. Stiles began to walk out the door.

“What the hell are you thinking Stiles?! You can't go out there!” I blurted out as I tried to grab his arm and stop him, but he managed to get outside anyways.

“Does he have a freaking death wish? Seriously, does he not realizing that there is a fucking thing out there that will kill him?!” I screamed out at Scott.

“Beth, just please try to calm down...” he said to me as he tried to appease me.

“Calm down? I just watched some creature that looks like it's from a fucking horror movie murder Derek and toss him to the side like it was nothing and now it's after us! How do you expect me to calm down?!” I shot back at him. I went to add on to my sentence but Scott started freaking out.

“RUN! RUN!” I heard him scream as he pounded on the door.

My head shot up in alarm as I quickly looked out the window and saw the scene unfold before me. While Stiles had bent down to pick something up, I saw the creature come around from behind his jeep and run at him. My eyes widened in fear as I saw my friend bolt off back towards the school.

“RUN FASTER!” I screamed at him as I opened the door just enough for him to get inside.

Once Stiles made it back inside the building, him and Scott used the item he had originally left for to help hold the doors shut. By this time, all three of us were breathing pretty heavily; Stiles from running and Scott and I from panic. Once I saw them both slowly start to back away from the doors I followed suite, not wanting to be anywhere near them.

“Those won't hold will they?” I heard Scott ask his best friend.

“Probably not” he responded. With those two words my fear went up a notch.

“What?!” I shouted at him as my eyes quickly scanned him. “You mean to tell me that you risked your life and about gave me a heart attack for something that's not really even going to help us?” I said with venom in my voice.

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