A Night of Terror Pt. 2

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All us quickly began to run up the stairs but as I looked back, I saw the creature fall out of the ceiling and begin to chase us again, only this time there was six people to worry about getting killed, not just three. Terror took over my body as I pushed myself to run faster. We all plowed through the doors to another classroom and without thinking, we instantly began to shove stuff in front of the door.

“Guys wait, not here..” Stiles started to say, but Allison spoke above him.

“Scott...what was that?” she questioned him but he ignored her.

“Just help me!” he demanded as he started to push stuff in front of the door.

“Guys, can you just wait a second?” Stiles tried to say once more, but this time I stopped while the others continued.

“Oh no...” I said with horror as I looked past Stiles. After a few more attempts of trying to get everyone's attention, he finally snapped.

“HELLO!” he yelled as everyone finally came to a halt. “Okay, nice work, really beautiful job everyone. Now what should we do about the twenty foot wall of windows?” he added on as he motioned towards all the windows.

I felt dread start to sink in. We had already dealt with this sort of thing once and all it did was result in that thing tossing the battery to Stile's jeep through the window, and let's not forget the fact that we've learned first hand that it's not exactly scared to come crashing through windows.

“Can somebody please explain to me what's going on because I'm freaking out here.” I heard Allison plea. Part of me really wanted to fill her in, but I didn't exactly know what was going on myself.

“Somebody killed the janitor.” I heard Stiles step in once Scott couldn't decide what to say.

“Y..yeah. The janitor's dead.” I chimed in with a stutter. I could feel their eyes on me for a few brief moments.

“What's he talking about? Is this a joke?” A nervous Allison stated. She had every reason to be scared and me,Scott, and Stiles all new it.

“I really wish it were.” I answered her as a few tears slide down my face.

“What? Who killed him?” Jackson asked as he finally came into the conversation. I was anxious to see how they would answer since it wasn't a somebody and was rather a something.

I stood there silently and tried to calm myself down as the three new additions to our nightmare kept firing questions at Scott. Allison was intent on knowing who killed the janitor, but I couldn't tell her just how much she didn't want to know...that it was something along the lines of a monster. After telling them that he didn't know who killed the guy and then going on to say that if we left the room he would kill us all, the new trio started to panic.

“It's Derek. It's Derek Hale.” Scott blurted out.

As fast as my fear had crept up on me, it quickly dissolved into confusion. Why is he saying Derek did it? I very clearly saw that thing kill Derek himself... I thought while looking over at Stiles, but he only gave me a look as if to tell me to go along with it. He went on to tell them that Derek had been the one killing everyone...even his own sister. Part of me was enraged at his and Stiles claims and the fact that they were so easily blaming someone who had nothing to do with it, but at the same time, I don't think they would comprehend the truth. I guess this was Scott's way of protecting them from whatever that thing was.

“Call the cops.” Jackson suggested, but Stiles quickly turned it down.

“No.” he answered, but Jackson went on.

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