A Run In With Derek

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Stiles P.O.V

Scott seemed really upset about the whole bus incident...not that I blamed him for anything. In fact, I think I'd be pretty freaked out to if I was a werewolf and had a dream about killing someone only to go to school and find out that the dream was actual reality just someone other than the person in my dream was killed. Looking at the bus and seeing all the blood and damage that was done to it was pretty freaky, but I found it extremely hard to believe that Scott would have done this. Werewolf or not, it just wasn’t like Scott to go out and kill some random bus driver that he didn't even know.

“She's probably fine, it could just be coincidence.” I said to my panicked best friend. He was worried that his dream had come true and that he had killed Allison.

“Just help me find her, okay?” he answered back as I began to quickly look around for a sign of the girl, but was stopped when I saw Scott punch a locker.

I was about to go up to him and see if he was okay, but I noticed Allison behind him and decided that I would just head to class instead and let him talk to her. I sat quietly in the classroom as I waited for Scott to enter and for class to start.

“What if it was my blood on the bus?” I heard him state as the class started.

“It could have been animal blood. Maybe you caught a rabbit or something?” I said back as I tried to reason with him, but he didn't seem to take to it.

“and did what with it?” he shoot back with a look of disbelief.

“..Ate it?” I answered back with the first thing I could think of.

“Raw?” he asked with a slight look of disgust. I was right with him on that one.

“Whatever. Anyways, when I ran into Allison earlier, she said something about Beth seeing the scene and taking off. Maybe we should check on her..” he stated as she tried to change the subject. I wanted to say something back but at that time Mr. Harris decided to separate us.

I was annoyed with the teacher making us sit on opposite ends of the classroom because I still had things I wanted to discuss with Scott, but I was broken of my train of thought when a girl announced that they had found something. Upon hearing that, everyone in the room rushed over to the window to see what was going on. We all watched as they wheeled a body towards the ambulance but then suddenly the body jolted up and let out a scream which caused the whole class to jump back and scream as well.

“This is good, he got up...he's not dead. Dead guys can't do that!” I responded in hopes that would make Scott feel at least a little bit better, but it didn't seem to work.

“Stiles...I did that...” he replied with a look of fear in his eyes.

“You know, maybe we should skip school and go check on Beth. It'll give you some time to clear you head.”I suggested and hoped that he'd agree. I think getting away from the school might help him.

“Maybe that's a good idea.” he stated bluntly and before too long, we were in my jeep driving down the road towards Beth's house.

The drive to Beth's house started pretty silent, though that was probably because Scott was stuck on what had happened to that bus driver while I on the other hand didn't really know what to say. I had tried to clam him down a bit earlier but that obviously hadn't worked like I had hoped it would. I sat their focused on the road up until I saw a familiar car sitting on the side of the road.

“Scott...isn't that Beth's car?” I asked him as I pulled up behind it and parked.

“Yeah, I think it is. We better check it out.” He stated as he jumped out of the car and started to look through hers. I decided to follow him.

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