Myth Becomes Reality

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The day after last night's event at the school seemed to dragged on. Due to the police investigating the incident, the school had been closed down for the day. Most people had been excited to get the day off but I didn't really ever want to go back. Every time I thought about school, the image of that creature shoving its claws through Derek and then chasing us around the school all night played in my mind. That thing had been the cause of my nightmares and restless sleep last night. I had spent most of the day in my bedroom watching TV and going over everything in my mind while my mom went to work and my sister hung out with Stiles and a few people from school. I sat on my bed absentmindedly staring at my TV screen when my phone started to go off.

Hey, you okay? You seemed pretty shaken up last night. More so than everyone else... - Allison

Yeah, I'm as good as I can be after what happened. What about you?

I'm confused about everything. I don't think Scott was telling the full truth about things so I finally broke it off with him. I can't be with someone I can't trust. -Allison

Omg, I'm so sorry Allison...

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. -Allison

Part of me wanted to tell her just how much Scott was keeping from her, but I was still figuring that part out myself. The way him and Stiles had talked last night, it was obvious that they knew whatever the hell that thing was and Derek knew as well...too bad he was dead. I was lost in thought when the sound of my phone going off again brought me back to reality. I picked up the phone to see who it was from and scrunched my face.

Beth, we really need to talk about what happened last night. -Scott

I sat there with my phone in my hand as I stared at the screen and debated over if I should respond to him. On one hand, I wanted to know exactly what was going on and what the hell that thing from last night was so that I could avoid it at all costs, but on the other hand, I didn't really wanna deal with any of it at the moment. I was in a state where I was still processing everything and trying to come to terms with it. I let out a frustrated sigh as I tossed my phone on my floor and then threw myself on my bed as I stared up at my ceiling. Before I knew it, night had come and I still hadn’t answered Scott. Oh well.

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It's been two days since the school was opened up and I have yet to show up at school or talk to Scott and Stiles about what happened. Other than my family, Allison and Lydia were the only two people I had really had any contact with. I had mainly been avoiding Scott and Stiles because I wasn't totally sure what to say to them. Looking over at my clock I noticed that it was almost time for my mom to leave for work, so I drug my feet across my floor and made my way down stairs.

“You better get ready for school or you're gonna be late.” I heard my mom say as she walked into the kitchen.

“I think I'm just gonna stay home today...” I replied while looking away from her. I had a feeling she wasn't gonna like the idea.

“Beth, I know that what happened to you at the school really got to you, but you know you can't avoid the place forever.” She stated as a look of concern appeared on her face.

“I...I know, but I just want one more day. Please.” I begged her. I just wanted one more day to myself before I had to deal with the barrage of questions that people would be shooting at me.

“Okay, okay. One more day. Take it easy today, and Beth...if you wanna talk about what happened, you know that me and your sister are here for you right?” I hear her comment. She was still pretty much in the dark about the whole thing because I hadn't really said anything about it.

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