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Chapter Five

   I walk into my apartment with Jack. I lay him on the sofa. I go to the bathroom and get a first aid kit. I see Jack sitting up now.
"Hey. You're awake. I'm so glad." I give him a smile. He looks bad. He has cuts on his face and he looks very achy.
   "You should lie back down." He nods and lies back on the couch. I take care of his wounds and he falls asleep. I go back to the bathroom. The mirror is still broken.
   "I could have helped him. I COULD HAVE HELPED HIM!" I drop to the floor in tears.
   "Why am I so useless to this world?" I grab the knife. After the usual punishment, I take my pills and go to sleep with try tears on my face while I look at my cuts.

Hey guys! I know this is very deep. But I just get inspired by some fanfics I read. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed. Bye!

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