The Party

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Chapter Eighteen

   Later that day, nothing really happened. Jack made his videos, I took my pills, and I have been really lazy. I watch some youtube on the couch. I hear footsteps. Jack appears at the doorway. I turn around, and I give a smile to him.
   "Hey (y/n), can I ask you something?" I nod as he sits next to me on the couch.
   "I was invited to this party from my friends. I was wondering if you want to come with me." I thought for a moment. I didn't like going out much, especially parties. I hate how people get drunk and do stupid things. I look to Jack who is giving me a begging look. I sigh.
   "Fine. But you owe me big time." He jumps up and pulls me up with him. He lifts me off the ground and gives me a hug. He puts me down.
   "Thanks! We should get ready!" He races to his room. I smile and get ready too.
   We finally arrive at this big house. We get out. I got really nervous. Jack looks over and grabs my hand. I smile and we enter the house. I already see people drunk. I roll my eyes and look up at Jack.
   "It's okay. Just stick with me." I nod and we enter the kitchen.
   "Hey bro! How's it been?!" Jack is swarmed by his friends. I just stood there awkwardly. I decide to sit on the couch. I look over to a different group of guys. One of them winked at me. I roll my eyes. I get up and head to the backyard. I feel a cool breeze run across my face. After ten minutes of alone time, I soon feel something around my body.
   "You're so beautiful." I look around and see Jack. I smell alcohol on him. I can't believe he's already drunk. I put his arm around mine and I put him in his car. We leave the party and arrive at his place. When we enter he begins to hug me from behind again.
   "Jack? You should...lie down, okay?" He lets go and grabs my hand. I follow into his room. He then just sits on his bed.
   "Um Jack, why did you bring me in here?" He looks up. I sit next to him and he kisses me. I couldn't tell if he is still drunk. He lets go and lays down. He falls asleep quick.
   "Good night, Jack." I smile. I'm about to leave when he grabs my arm.
   "I can't sleep without you." I turn to Jack. I nod and lay next to him. He turns off the light and falls asleep again. I stare at the ceiling. It's weird. One minute I'm a wreck and the next thing I know I feel great again. I have a feeling this wonderful memories with Jack won't last.

Hey guys! I am loving this so far. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed. Bye!

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