Break Downs And Comforts

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Chapter Fifteen

I'm so tired. I couldn't sleep because of the events from yesterday. I look at the clock.
"Ugh! Only eight in the morning." I hate being awake in the morning. The doctor came in, nearly giving me a heart attack.
"Glad to see you're recovering well.
I have some good news! You can be release today." My eyes go wide. I want to jump up and down, but I need to stay calm.
"So you need to take this medication. I'm serious. You could have been in a worst condition. Anyways, your legs will also be a little weak from laying in the bed for so long. So just be careful. Other than that, you can leave. I will send in a nurse to help you." I nod as he left the room. I couldn't wait to get out of this place.
I get out of the hospital. My first priority was Jack. I went to his place. I knock on the door. No answer. I keep knocking. Still nothing. I open the door, thinking that it was locked, it wasn't. I nearly fall as I opened it. I steadied myself and enter. Everything looks normal. Then, I hear yelling and loud noises from Jack's recording room. I walk over to the door. I knock.
"Who is it?" Jack demands.
"'s me, (y/n). I just want to check on you. I checked out of the hospital this morning." He doesn't respond. I keep hearing loud bangs in the room.
"Jack? Are you there? Please open the door. I need to tell you some stuff." I twist the knob, but it wouldn't budge.
"No, just go! I need some fucking space! Can't I just have some time alone?!" He sounds very aggravated. I didn't care. I have been through so much shit. I'm not putting up with this.
"Fuck it! I'm coming in whether you like it or not!" I kick the door. I keep kicking it until it falls down.
"I guess this is pay back for breaking my door. And why were..." I turn my head to see Jack on the floor. His walls have holes in it and his knuckles are bleeding. His computer was in the middle of editing a bunch of videos. He must have been stressed out. Then, he had break down. I get those a lot, so I know one when I see one. I see tears running down his face. I stand there in shock. I put my hands over my gaping mouth. I run over to Jack. I put my arms around him. At first, he struggles. Then, he relaxes and hugs me back.
"Why?" He whispers.
"I ask the same thing when you helped me. I get it now." I look up to him and smile.
"You know why. Because we keep holding on no matter what. I know it's cliche but..." Before I could finish, his lips were on mine.

Hey guys! This is rare for me to upload two parts in one day. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed. Bye!

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