The Diary [F3]

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*Filler chapter * AKA just for fun

We were back home at the base and the temperature died down. Everyone lingered around the base already bored with nothing to do. No missions, no attacks, no bounty, no nothing.

Now back in my room, laid out on the bed, I sucked on a warhead writing in the journal Konan bought me years ago for my birthday. I never really wrote in it, but usually when I'm in the mood I'll record stuff down.

4 a man like Hidan, who new he was carrying sum weight beneath da belt. No wonder he be bitchin all the time. Gotta lotta balls to carry. 4 the boss, I'm ashamed, like gtfo wit dat shrimp. But of course I cant be snitchin. Konan betta get a side, I no I would if my man had a shrunken banana. Itachi on the other hand...

I stopped writing as I heard a knock tapped against my door. Hurriedly, I stuck the journal under my pillow away from sight.

"Um, come in." I shouted flinging my pen across the room hitting the wall.

"What was that noise?" Itachi snuck his head between the door and its frame looking around the room for the source of the sudden sound.

"It was nothing." I straighten myself upon the head board tapping the empty space beside me. "Come sit." I insisted.

He nodded coming through the door then shutting it once he was fully inside. He walked over to the vacant side of the bed sitting on the edge.

 He walked over to the vacant side of the bed sitting on the edge

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"Did you need something?" I asked seeing him deep in thought. I crawled over leaning across his back since it was turned away from me. I played with his ear waiting for his response. 

"Pein wanted me to check on you." He replied after some time. I nodded against his back snuggling closer into his warmth. His hair, even in a loose pony, flew in my face, some getting into my eye making it hard to see.

"You should cut your hair." I suggested tugging at random strands of it.

"If I do that then you'll have to do the same with the hair between your legs." His voice showed no hint of sarcasm or playfulness. Enraged, I grabbed a fist full of his raven locks and tugged hard hoping to rip it off his scalp.

Being the wuss he is, gave a tiny yelp out of surprise struggling to release my tight hold. "The fuck you just say to me!?" My face turned red with fury my eyes more of a yellowish orange. With my other hand, turned into one giant snake, I wrapped it around his neck cutting of any oxygen temporarily.

We stayed like this till Kisame, who happened to walk past and heard Itachi's cries for help, separated us by slicing my snake to release my death hold

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We stayed like this till Kisame, who happened to walk past and heard Itachi's cries for help, separated us by slicing my snake to release my death hold.

I cried out as my snake slowly transformed back into my arm but with a giant cut down my wrist. I swore you could see the bone. "Dammit all!" I clutched my arm stopping the blood flow.

Kisame escorted Itachi away from the scene before sending Kakuzu my way to sew up my throbbing wound. An hour after that chaos, I was still in my room, but with an bandaged arm and a silent treatment from Itachi. 

I fished my pen behind my dresser and decided to continue writing in my journal.

I almost killed Mr. Crow. What can I say, u should neva speak to a woman that way. That's not the worst of it tho, my hand was practically sliced in 2 thanks to shark bait, who looks like he been left in the freezer 4 2 long.

I sat down my pencil rereading over what I wrote. I really hope they never read this. I turned my attention to my trash can and the conveniently placed box of matches on my dresser.

That night we called in favors from some water style jutsu users.

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