Behind bars

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My mind still hasn't recovered from the numerous emotional shocks I faced but I was able to not lose my temper so easily. The Hokage sentenced me to prison. I was to stay behind bars till I was deemed not a threat to society. I didn't mind at all.

The Akatsuki were dying one by one, I figured Pein was still alive since he was the leader of the group. My father have been killed and I don't know where the hell Kabuto is.

I have a reputation, and not a good one. Everywhere I go there's someone in the shadows ready to attack at any given moment, my back must be watched or else I die. Now I have to worry about Tobi or Madara, or whatever he wants to be called.

Naruto suggested giving me an official tour of konoha. His definition of 'tour' is listing all the ramen shops and nearby training grounds. The Hokage wouldn't allow me out of my cell, so instead she granted Naruto to be able to transport inside the cell showing me various pictures of Konoha.

One interesting place he showed me was some ancient building. People in dark clothing stood in front of the building kinda like researchers.

"This is the Hall of History. " Naruto answered my pondering question pointing at the group of people. "It has all the records of the civilians of Konoha. Those guys keep track of all events involving our people." I looked at him amazed. All the secrets of the hidden leaf were just beyond these stone walls.

I played with my hair brewing up an idea. "Do they keep reports of the people who are no longer affiliated with the leaf?"

Naruto studied the picture, "Of course. You can even request a copy of the bingo book."

"Can I get a special pass inside?"

"You'll have to ask lady Hokage."

I frowned. The hokage is smart enough not to give me permission into the leafs precious files.

We continued our visual tour till he ran out of pictures. A guard walked in then saying it was time for Naruto to leave. I waved him out as he transported out my cell and walked up the stone steps.

This prison cell had chakra draining bars, no air conditioner, very uncomfortable metal spring bed with a thin mattress covered with a scratchy wool blanket too small to cover my whole body. This is ideal luxury.

I guess this was a new policy but The Hokage forced me to weak an invisible collar that signals the ANBU if I were to step a foot outside the villages gate. I could feel its leathery texture hugging my neck, it was driving me insane.

I laid back on my bed staring at the rock ceiling admiring the cracks. I felt to weak to care anymore. Part of me doesn't want to fight anymore, stay locked up so I won't hurt anyone else. The other part is saying forget them, nobody can cleanse my past, the void in my heart would never be filled. I closed my eyes as the endless rough months rolled by.

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