Chapter 1

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I want you to know ahead of time this is not your average Preacher's Daughter story but it will definitely be worth the read. My goal for this story is to exercise my creavity by having something different but enjoyable for everyone.
This book is dedicated to my best friend Deja who has encouraged me to write this story. She's been an amazing friend and her character closely measures to the main character. She in my inspiration for this book and I thank her.
Excuse any errors ahead of time. Thanks & Enjoy

- Jasmine S.


They makes you grin at night while you close your eyes.

Has your mind racing all during the day, no other thoughts compete.

Your stomach pack full of fluttering butterflies, every time you're with them.

Makes your ear tingling and heart melt every time you hear their name.

Make all the evils of the world just perish while you're with them.

Someone you'll fight for, without thinking twice. (Not necessarily physically.)

The one that genuinely makes you happy and you don't know why.

The one who you eagerly wait to hear from, even when you don't outwardly show it.

The person you can't imagine being without.

The person who you still stick with even when they seem to be doing everything wrong.

Did you have someone in mind?

If you did, could you image someone better than that love?

What if I told you I know someone who could love you better?

Sunday Morning


Now first and for most let me address a few individuals. I am a child of a preacher, popular local preacher at that.

Does that mean I'm perfect?
No. I'm the farthest thing from perfect and I'm honestly not better than anyone. I make mistakes too.

Does that mean I'm a wild party girl who acts like she doesn't have sense?
No again. Just because I wasn't exposed to those things growing up doesn't mean I have a burning desire to do so.

And for the fellas, does that mean I'm a freak, dying to have a guy to shower me with attention, money, and his ego?
Absolutely NOT!

These stereotypes aren't me and surely don't define who I am. For those who are foolish enough to believe all church girls are like that, is sadly deceived.

I face temptations just like any other individual but how I handle it is the dividing factor.

Let my testimony be a help to you, you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian. You just have to be honest.


I stretched, smacking my alarm clock that was blaring on my nightstand.

I sighed realizing it was 7:00 on a Sunday morning. I was so tired and exhausted from lastnight.

I reached for my phone on my nightstand noticing my parents called several times and left over 8 messages. I knew I was going to hear about it when I got to the church.

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