Chapter 13

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"Hello?" I answered

"What's up?" His smooth voice sounded.

The excited inside my body was exploding, I just wanted to jump up and dance around knowing it was really him.

"Nothing much, you going to be up later?"

"Yeah, want me to call back?"

"Yeah, like 15 minutes?"


"This right?" Quincy spoke out trying to determine which road to take.


Next I heard Solomon ask "Who's that?"

My heartbeat began to beat quicker, I didn't want to lie.

"Friend from church."

"Right, I'll hit you up later." Then he hung up.

Quincy glanced over "So that's what you label me."

"We're friends." I smirked.

"I'm assuming that was your boyfriend?"

"I'm single sir." I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't sound like it from that call."

"Eavesdropping now?"

"I mean we are in a car." He smiled.

"That was just my other friend."

"Solomon huh?"


"You had more excitement in your voice talking to him for 2 minutes than you had talking to me the whole evening."

"It's not like that, it's just-"

"So he's the one that moved?"

I paused and sighed. "Yes."

Quincy smirked "I'm smart. So you got feelings for him or something."

"We're just friends, like me and you."

"You friend zone a lot of guys you know that?"

"Got to, boys can be very distracting."

"Not me."

"Dude you have 2 babies who need your undivided attention."

"Only one is biologically mine."

"What you mean?"

"My son is biologically mine but the girl isnt, but since I've been there since her birth and helped raise her and I've decided to stay in her life."

"Wow that's really nice of you."

"Yeah, even though her mom and I didn't work out I promised I'd be there for her. I don't tell a lot of people that though."

"Well I feel privileged, thank you for sharing."

Quincy pulled up in front of my house.

"Alright go inside and call your boyfriend I'm sure he misses you."

"Shut up! He's not my boyfriend!" I laughed.

"Right." He smirked looking around.

"Text me when you get home sir." Then I closed the door and proceed to walk into my house.

Once inside I went straight into my room grabbed my phone and dialed Solomon's number.

His call cut me to voicemail. Since it rang a few times before cutting to voicemail, I knew he declined my call.

I decided to try again but same result except even quicker than before.

I wasn't sure what was wrong. Then I thought about Quincy and him saying something before the call ended.

I sighed and hoped he wasn't getting jealous over a simple hang out.

Just as I was about to give up hope my phone buzzed.

I looked and Solomon was calling.

"Hello?" I answered eagerly.


"Sorry about that, I was getting dropped off but I'm available to talk. What's up?"




"Why are you....being soo.....soo-"

"I'm chilling." He cut me off.

"How's home?"


"What the heck Solomon!" I started to get irritated. "If you're going to be like this why even call me?!"

I heard him chuckle on the other end of the phone. "I ain't even going to lie, I thought I had feeling for you, but when I called earlier and heard another guy on the other end of the just shot down my pride. And I honestly thought you liked me too."

"What? Okay, I really don't owe you an explanation for anything but because I do care about you I will tell you the truth. Quincy invited me out to the aquarium and I went just to get my mind off the fact you were gone. I made it very clear that he's strictly my friend and I'm sure he can tell by now since he think you and I date. But anyway, you should be mad at me, we aren't dating, we're just good friends."

"Right Meadow, you're right. I guess I was wrong for liking you and thinking maybe one day we could be more. I called you earlier because I genuinely missed hearing your voice, but you know, it's whatever. You can do whatever you want Meadow, ima stay out your way from now on."

"Solomon I-"

Then the call ended. I wasn't sure what just happened.

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