Chapter 3

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Author's Note:
1. Solomon in the multimedia picture.

2. Lengthy chapter but juicy towards the bottom, things are starting to build up.

3. Enjoy and sorry for errors.

"Babygirl, wake up."

I batted my eyes open and noticed my father standing next to me shaking me.

"Yeah?" I stretched.

"I need you to get ready."


"The youth explosion tonight. You forgot?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

I shook my head and grabbed my phone noticing it was Friday.

"No I didn't forget. I just didn't realize it was Friday already."

"Meadow, maybe you're over working yourself babydoll."

"I'm fine."

"Meadow you've been ripping and running from school, church, library. You are running yourself ragged."

"I'm okay though, I can handle it."

"Alright Meadow. After church tonight I want you to take a break. Take tomorrow off and go do something."

"What about the children's ministry? They have a fundraiser tomorrow."

"I'll have someone else handle it."

I sighed and nodded "Alright."

"Go have a little fun, but not too much." He rubbed my shoulder

I smiled and slipped out the bed as my father exited. I grabbed my phone and seen several messages. A few from different church members, like Cordell, a youth at the church named Kylie, and one from Noelle. Also I seen a text from Quincy.

I simply replied to everyone. Cordell texting me asking if I could stopped by church early so we could do a quick practice for tonight's youth explosion.

I sighed and got up to get ready for the practice.

After I got ready I drove to practice, having my hair tied into a sloppy bun, wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt.

I arrived and went inside seeing Phil our base player, Tyrek our keyboard player, La'Trell our organist and of course Cordell our drummer.

I also seen some of the praise and worship singers, Jasmine, Aaliyah, and Kayla. We were missing Stephon and Wanda but it was good most of everyone was there.

"Morning everyone." I smiled.

"Morning." Everyone replied.

"Y'all ready to get started?" I asked

Cordell stepped up "So we've been talking and we think we should sing Fill Me Up by Casey J. You lead of course."

I hesitated for a moment, I wasn't fully comfortable bringing forth the song yet but then they continued.

"I can lead it if you want me too." Kayla offered.

Now Kayla is an amazing singer much like myself but she never lead a song by herself before and as praise and worship leader I had to make the decision.

"Are you going to actually be able to lead it Kayla? You've never lead a song before."

"I know, but everyone thinks I can do it."

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Alright long as you can follow through. Leading isn't easy and you know this is a big service."

Kayla nodded and said "I can do it."

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