Chapter 2

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Author's Note:
Visual in the multimedia section is Quincy. For those who want to use your imagination, can continue on. I just provided a visual of how I see Quincy.

It was a tremendously long week for me, so many assignments and church stuff to do, I hardly had time for myself.

Today I decided to go to the library and do some studying. I needed a change of scenery.

When I arrived I laid out my books and notebook ready to get started. I went an hour and a half before a familiar face approached me. I quickly realized it was the guy from last week at Finch's.

"Well look at the coincidence here." He grinned.

I examined his arm full of books noticing they were all books based on the Bible.

I let a light breath then said "Right."

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

I looked across the half empty table before just giving in. "Sure."

"So how are you Meadow?"

Quite frankly I was shocked he still remembered my name, I didn't even remember his.

"Doing good, just studying for a few classes is all."

"I like that, an intelligent church girl."

"First off compare my intelligence with my belief. Secondly I'm not a church girl, I am a Christian plain and simple." I simply replied.

"Fiesty. Are you like that with every guy who admires your beauty?"

"Depends on what beauty the guy is admiring."

"Hmm." Then he smirked "Never had a lady shut me up like this before."

"I'm almost afraid to know how many 'ladies' you've dealt with."

"Since you inquired, only four. I know for a handsome guy like my self you'd think more huh?"

That fact that he is so narcissistic was definitely not helping him either.

"Yeah sure." I continued to flip through my books

"Why are you" then he paused as if he couldn't think of the right word. ""

"And what exactly do you mean?"

"I'm trying to get to know you and you keep shrugging me off."

"Because you're intentions aren't clear enough for me. What do you want from me?" I eyed him

"I want to know the beautiful lady that's on the inside. I'm dying to know if the inside matches the outside and based off what I seen through your eyes you have one gorgeous spirirt."

I gave him a slight smirk, although I wasn't fully convinced he definitely had my attention. "Hmm, I guess I can say I haven't have a guy shut me up before either."

He chuckled then said "I don't want to keep you distracted so I'll get ready to go. But only thing is, from the moment I glanced over and saw you I couldn't believe my eyes. You stayed on my mind since I first seen you. I even asked God to let me see you again and here you are. So I guess what I'm asking is, can we keep that deal and I get your number?"

He made me smile mentally so I picked up my phone and went to my contacts. "How about you put your number in my phone and I'll text you?"

"Aye that wasn't apart of the deal." he chuckled.

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