Chapter 8

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My heart began to race, and I couldn't just stand and wait. Noelle was inside and I needed to know she was okay.

I started to run inside but then I heard gunshots sound off inside.

Pure hysteria sounded from the house as people escaped from every exit possible.

I searched in the crowd of people for Noelle but she was no where to be seen.

I felt myself getting emotional just envisioning the worst.

"Have you seen my friend?" I asked random people running past me and crying.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms swoop me and picked me up and started running.

"GET OFF!!" I tried to squirm free but they wouldn't let me go.

I looked down and recognized the shirt, it was Solomon.


He stopped and placed me on the passengers side of the car.

"Please get in." I could see concern in his eyes.

"I'm not leaving Noelle."

"Well she left you, now get in."

In shock I obeyed and slipped into the car quickly.

Solomon wasted no time pulling off.

"What happened?"

"Some guys got fighting and the one dude pulled out a gun and started firing shots. Noelle was one of the first people out. I immediately ran back to get you."

"Thank you I really appreciate that."

"Contrary to what may think, I'm not totally heartless."

"I never thought you were." I grabbed my phone and dialed Noelle's number.

"Meadow!!!" She sobbed on the phone.

"You okay?!"

"Yes, I was soooo scared. I'm sorry I left, I knew Solomon had you. I just wanted to get out of there."

"It's okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I am, I'm sorry I took you to the party. I shouldn't have."

"It's okay. I'll get up with you later."

"Alright girl. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and looked over at Solomon. "You okay?"

"Yeah, something on my left arm is kind of tingling though."

I leaned forth and glanced at his arm to find that he was bleeding.

"Solomon you're bleeding."

"How?" He asked as shocked as me

"Did you get shot?"

"I don't remember getting shot. I just remember running to save you, that's it."

"Pull over."

He pulled his car to the side of the road.

We both got out and I examined his arm.

"I think you got grazed by the bullet because it doesn't look like it went inside."

"I think now that my adrenaline is coming down, I'm starting to feel it."

"We gotta get to the hospital."

"Nah, what I tell you about hospitals."

"Well we gotta bandage that up."

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