Chapter 11

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"What warning?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Solomon.

"My family. They can be a little....extra.."

"Well I should be able to handle them." I smiled.

He shrugged "Alright don't say I didn't warn you. The real grilling starts at the dinner table."

Diane stuck her head into the room. "Dinner is ready, come on out."

Solomon lead us out the room as we both headed into the dining room.

Most of the family was seated at the table while others walked out.

"While everyone is coming stand up and gather hands so we can pray over the food." Ms. Evelyn spoke.

Everyone obeyed and stood, locking hands together.

I bowed my head ready for the prayer to begin but instead I heard "Meadow, would you like you lead the prayer?"

I looked up and seen everyone's eyes on me.

I felt put on spot but the scripture does say men ought to always pray.

"Ummm, sure...everyone bow your heads."

I watched as everyone did then started. "Dear heavenly, I want to first thank you for the bringing together of the family. I pray Lord that the you will bless the food, asking that you purify, sanctify, the food for the nourishment of our bodies in Jesus's name we pray. Amen."

"Amen" everyone repeated as they took their seats.

"Lovely prayer." Val said.

"Thank you."

The table was packed full of food and people. Approximately 25, maybe more were gather at the large table.

I glanced at Solomon who was loading in plate with food.

"You gon' eat?!" One woman asked.

"Umm yea-" I started but Solomon interrupted.

"Chill Sharicka. She'll eat when she's ready. Worry 'bout your plate."

The woman rolled her eyes as she placed a roll on her plate.

Solomon looked over at me. "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Ms. Evelyn tapped her glass with a knife to get everyone's attention. "I have some great news everyone. As everyone here knows....Solomon has been a bit of a troublesome child. Well today he gave his life to the Lord."

I looked around the table at the mix of facial expressions.

"Yeah right. He'll be back to his old ways before you know it Mama. Don't let this trick fool you into thinking he's a saint!" One man spoke out.

I noticed Solomon's jaw clench so I reached over rubbing his shoulder.

The intensity of the locked jaw loosened once he felt my touch.

"Fred, don't talk about your nephew like that!" Ms. Evelyn spoke.

Another woman chimmed in "I'm not sure I'm convinced. I know where Fred is coming from. Mama we all heard the conversations about planning on giving up on Solomon and now in a matter of a day he's changed and everything he done is erased?"

Suddenly Solomon's mother spoke. "One, you all will stop talking about him as if he's not at this table. Two, my son is capable of changing. And whether or not you all believe him or not is up to you all but he has grown since meeting the young lady next to him. Right Baby?" He looked at Solomon.

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