Chapter 7

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The chapter starts of a little slow but I promise the end if the chapter and the next chapter will be well worth it. So enjoy.

Tonight is my parents final night before the leave away. Felt like time had flew but I knew they had to go.

My parents planned to leave at night because they wanted to avoid as much traffic as they could.

"Alright, so you have my cell number, emergency numbers, you know where to go if it's not safe at home, you have a credit card which is to only be used for groceries, and emergencies." My mother ran down her checklist.

"I got everything Mom, relax."

My mother tightly embraced me "I'm going to miss you so much. I love you."

My Dad came downstairs with another suitcase "Come on come on." He rushed.

"I love you too. Call me soon as you get there." I said to me mom.

She nodded wiping a tear then heading out the door. My Dad came up to me next "Alright, just cause we're gone, don't mean throw no wild parties and have host of strangers in my house. You can have one friend over and that's Noelle. No boys Meadows." He eyed me sternly.

"Yes I know."

"I got my security cameras set up so believe me, I'll know who's in my house."

I laughed "Go on Dad."

He smirked but not too much notifying me he was very serious. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "I love you Meadow. Hold things down till we return."

"I got you."

He released me then headed out the door, closing it behind himself. Now I was left by myself.

I figured it would be a perfect time call Noelle.

"Hey Bestie." She answered in a chipper attitude.

"Hey Noelle. My parents left today."


"Yeah, just left. I don't want to be by myself soooooo would you like to-"

"YESSSS!!! ON MY WAY!" She cut me off and hung up.

I sighed and sat back. I turned on the TV hoping something could keep my mind entertained till Noelle arrived.

Before I could get into any show I noticed my phone buzzing from a call from Solomon. I was shocked and slightly froze in the moment. My heart stopped beating and I just look breathless. It's been so long since I actually talked to him. Unfortunately I waited to late to respond and missed his call. I sighed face palming myself.

I knew Solomon isn't the type of guy to double text a girl he doesn't really know like that. I took my phone in my hand and selected his contact.

I paused contemplating whether to call him back or not.

I really didn't know why I was so nervous, I mean it wasn't anything that deep to be tripping.

I gathered myself together and ended up calling him. The phone buzzed a few time before finally hearing his voice.

"Wassup?" He answered

"You tell me, you called me."

He casually chuckled and responded "I was gonna make up some kind of excuse to make sense why I called you but I honestly don't have a reason." He confessed.

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It ain't like that though. I just wanted to talk to you. I'm bored."

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