Chapter 12

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"Nah, I ain't going back."

"Solomon you don't have a choice. Unless you get a job and get your own place, you're leaving with us."

"I'll do that." He said content.

"Even if you did, where you going to stay till you get your own?"

"I have my car."

"You're not sleeping in a car. Listen I know you met your new friend and you two have gotten close but you don't have a say in this one. You're coming back home and that's the end of it."

She shut the trunk and turned to Violet. "I want you to ride with Solomon. That way I can make sure he comes home."

She got in her car and began to back out.

"What the fffff-" he started to cuss but instead just put his hands over his head and let out breath. "I'm bout to talk to my Grams."

He stormed into the house.

I looked at Violet and she began to speak. "My grandma didn't want him out till they discovered he was selling weed at the table."

"Wait what?"

"One of my Uncles found baggies of weed hidden and brought it to my grandma's attention. Then she went on talking about he has to go because she doesn't feel safe with him there and that she's worried some drug dealers will come to her house."

Then it began to make sense why I went a period of time hardly ever seeing Solomon.

"But that's in the past."

"My grandma think there's still consequences."

I sighed realizing there was a good chance I wouldn't be seeing Solomon anymore.

After chilling outside for a while, Solomon stormed back out with his nosils flared and three duffle bags on his shoulders. "Get in the car Vil."

She obeyed his orders and got in the passenger seat.

Solomon loaded his bags in the car and walked over to me calming himself as he did.

"I'm really glad I met you. I don't want this to be the end, but it might be a while before I come around again. I'll try to come and visit you when I can but I'm not sure how often it'll be."

I tried to keep a solid face but a portion of my heart began to hurt with each word he spoke.

Truthfully speaking, I didn't want Solomon to leave me but I knew there wasn't anything that could be done.

I small tear trickled down my cheek.

"Yo don't cry." He wiped the tear with his thumb. "I'll text you and stuff."

That statement alone made more tears develop. In the short amount of time I've spent with Solomon he actually created a pretty big spot in my heart. It was beyond attraction to one another.

Solomon brought me in for a hug. This was my first time actually fully embracing him.

He pulled away from the hug and said "I'll come back for you. I promise."

I faintly smirked trying to help him feel a little better but my heart hurt knowing that I probably wouldn't see him as much.

He saved me, he took the time to know me, and he cared for me. Heck I'd probably even say he loved me.

"Hate that this had to happen so abrupt, I wasn't expecting this at all." He spoke.

"Please be careful and don't go back to your old ways."

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