Chapter 5

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"Amen" I ended my hour long prayer with the Lord.

I needed a lot of his guidance with everything going on.

Just as got up and sat on my bed my Mother walked in.

"Hey my sweetpea."

"Hey Mom." I folded my legs on my bed as she took a seat next to me.

"What's up girly. Haven't had girl talk in a while." She smiled removing an out of place strand of hair out of my face.

"We haven't had girl talk since I was 16 Mom." I smiled.

"Well in that case we have a lot of catching up to do."

"Can I ask your advice on something?"

"Of course."

"You remember Quincy right?"

"Yeah that one young man you're friends with."

"Yeah him. I'm not sure how to feel about him. Like he's really wonderful and stuff but what Solomon told me has been lingering in the back of my mind as well."

"What did Solomon say?"

"He was warning me about Quincy. Saying to watch out for him."

"Do you think Solomon may be a little jealous that Quincy has your attention?"

"I mean..." then I paused. I hadn't thought about that.

"Do you think Solomon likes you?"

"I'm not sure. He's kind of a hard individual to read."

"Well either way, don't let them take your focus off God babydoll."

"Definitely not, but I want to know how to handle this. Because I even had a dream where Solomon warned me too."

"Well pumpkin, you have to pray."

"I have been Mom."

"How bad do you want an answer?"


"Then press, you know what your father always says."

I nodded and said "What do you think of each guy?"

"Quincy seems very nice, I like him for the most part."

"Most part?"

"I need more information on him."

I nodded.

"God will reveal it to you soon enough just trust God."

"I will."

She rubbed my shoulder and got up.

It's been 3 days since I seen Quincy or Solomon.

Quincy texted me regularly as usual but I had yet to receive any text from Solomon.

I decided not to overwhelm myself with those things and focus on what God wanted me to do.

"Oh yeah Meadow don't forget in a couple of more weeks your father and I will be going away."

I had completely forgot that and instantly I scattered to search for a calendar.

"Mom.............." I whined not realizing they were leaving soon.

"I know Meadow but you'll be fine."

"But I don't want to be left by myself."

"Believe me, you'll survive. You are strong, intelligent, young woman of God and you will be okay."

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