Chapter 22

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The Next Morning

I quietly tipped-toed down the steps. I had to meet Cordell at the studio. Spike requested that we come to begin working on the song.

As I reach the bottom step, I overheard my parents talking.

"Drew I really think you should go the doctor and get checked out, it's been getting worse."

"The Lord will take care of everything, I told you this."

"Listen Drew, I'm your help-mate. I'm the woman God ordained you to be with, and as that woman maybe you should consider what I'm saying. Don't be blind in your ways."

"I'm not."

I paused at the bottom of the steps listening to them talk.

"Your flare ups have been bad. You need to follow up and that's all I'm going to say about it."

I heard the chair scoot indicating someone was getting up.

I hurried out the door before I was noticed.

Couldn't help but to wonder what was going on with my Dad, he's always seem okay to me ; I couldn't understand why he wouldn't share if something was going on.

Driving, I began to create worst case scenarios about what was happening to my Dad, was it cancer? Something Terminal? Instead of rambling through my thoughts I began to pray, hoping he would get through whatever was going on.

Once at the studio I got out and began to walk in, went into the studio area and seen Spike and Cordell going over melodies.

"Aye, you made it." Cordell said excited

"Yup, what's going on."

"Just chatting with Spike about changing up the melody in the one verse. How would this sound." And he began to sing the verse but differently than the original.

"I thought we were keeping everything the same." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"We are, but we can change it up too Meadow." Cordell reassured.

I began to feel unsure about this whole recording thing. Felt like decisions were being considered without me. "Cordell we should keep it the same, that's what we agreed on."

"I'll give you two a minute." Spike said as he eased out his chair.

"Meadow, come on. We can make something bigger and better!" Cordell eagerly tried to persuade me.

"But the original is what got us to this point, we shouldn't fix what's not broken."

"Meadow, you're not thinking! We have the opportunity to make this anyway we want, what are you afraid of?"

I paused for a moment.

"Losing my friend like this..."

I wasn't tripping about him changing the melodies, I was worried that this was the beginning of a disaster. As much as I wanted to be at peace with Cordell's idea, I just couldn't.

"Losing your friend? How?!" He began to get defensive.

"I feel like this music stuff may be going to your head. We haven't even finished the original song and you're already trying to implement changes without checking with me."

"Alright Meadow." He stormed out the recording studio.

As he stormed out Spike entered.

"Everything good? We still laying down verses today?"

I sighed "Honestly I'm not sure."

Spike closed the door and took a seat. "Alright, so I'll tell you this, don't get to caught up with your friend. Word is they're mainly trying to get you. Some record executives have been buzzing around and took a liking to your singing."

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