Chapter 14

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2 weeks later my parents returned from their missionary trip.

I was beyond excited to see them both. I spent the whole day cleaning up and cooking them a nice meal to come home to.

It was roughly 4:00 and Noelle was coming over to join me in prepping.

I heard a knock then Noelle's voice as she came through the door.


"In the kitchen." I responded.

"Hey girl!" She walked into the kitchen with groceries.

"Hey Noelle."

"What you cooking over there?"

"Got BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, collard greens, corn on the cob, corn bread, candy yams and a vanilla cake."

"Wow, you're really extra girl." She took a seat at the table.

"You got the stuff I asked?"

"Yes, butter, icing, and whatever else you asked for." She handed me the bag.

"Thanks girl." Took it and used the icing to ice the cake I made earlier.

"Sooo, heard from Solomon lately?" She asked.

Honestly after that night my heart slightly hurt, I never intended for us to fall off how we did.

"No, he ignores my calls and texts. Haven't talked to him since that call."

"Dang, I was hoping he would've stopped acting so dumb by now."

"Yeah, well guess not."

"But I see you and Quincy have gotten a little closer since...." she eyed me.

"Him and I are still just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I can't tell, you two been hanging out more and everything."

"He's a good way to get my mind off Solomon. He obviously doesn't want anything to do with me anymore so what can I do."

"Meadow.....that boy really liked you, he let you inside his life, his world, his heart."

"I know Noelle, I really don't need the reminder."

"You need to go see him. How about road trip?"

"He's not interested in seeing me."

"Well make him interested."

"I don't know the details of where he lives."

"But his grandmother does."

"Noelle why are you pressing this issue so bad."

"Because you two are perfect for each other. You're both stubborn as ever."

I smirked. "I just want to see my parents right now."

"Well ima get some information tonight and tomorrow we can make moves."


"No debating, it's final."

I sighed in defeat "Fine."

"Admit it you're kind of excited to see your boo Thang tomorrow."

I resisted the urge smile. But then I remembered Cordell's preformance.

"Cordell's performance is tomorrow and I gave him my word that I would be there."

"What time?"


"So we'll just make it back before then."

"I don't know Noelle."

"You'll be okay."

Once I finish prepping dinner I heard the front door shut.

"Hey Hey!!!" My mother said stepping through the door.

I smiled darting out the kitchen to hug my parents. "Heyyy!!!!!"

I hugged my Mom first "I missed you so much." I hugged her.

"Missed you too Sweetie!!" She hugged back.

I looked over at my father. I haven't spoken to him much since the situation.

He smirked and opened his arms. "Hey Mel."

I gave him a hug "Hey Dad."

"I missed you Babydoll."

"Miss you too." I pulled away from the hug. "I made you both dinner.

"Smells wonderful in here." My mother started to walk into the kitchen.

My father and I followed her. They both spoke and hugged Noelle then took their seats at the table.

"So what you girls been up to?" My father asked.

"Nothing Pastor Brooks, just focusing in school."

"That's good." My mom smiled.

I started to prepare everyone's plates.

"You still talk to that Solomon guy Mel?" My Dad asked.

"Not recently Pastor Brooks." I smiled knowing he would be relieved to hear that.

"Why is that?"

"He moved." I simply replied.

I couldn't read my father's face but he seemed fairly concerned. "Everything alright?"

"Yep. Can we talk about y'all trip, I'm dying to know."

My mom took over. "It was delightful! I really enjoyed myself. They offered us to join them next month for their next conference."

I sat a plate before my father then mother and Noelle then myself. "Really? Are you going?"

"No. We decided we're going to stay here and make sure all with the ministry is going well." My Dad said.

Once I sat down my father initiated the prayer and then we all began to eat.

After the dinner I walked Noelle out to her car.

"So we're still on for tomorrow?" She asked.

"What time we leaving?"

"Aiming for 11. That way we have plenty of time to make it back before Cordell's performance."

"Alright fine."

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow."

I waved bye as she got in her car and left. I returned into the house and cleaned up the kitchen and put the food away.

Just as I started to go upstairs my father called me into his office.

I peaked my head into his office.

"Come in and take a seat." He said

I obeyed and sat in the chair across from his desk.


"I've hand a lot of people telling me that you did a wonderful job while we were away, you kept up with everything, and didn't get yourself into any trouble."

"Yup." I smiled.

"I apologize for how I acted Meadow. If anything I'm extremely proud of you. I guess my anxiety got the best if me while I was away and just over reacted about it all. But I trust you baby girl and know I raised a beautiful, intelligence, woman of God."

I smiled, nearly having tears drop down my cheek from my father's words.

"Thanks Dad, means a lot."

He stood up from the chair and invited me over for a hug.

I gave him a hug and he mumbled through our embrace "I love you."

"I love you too."

He smiled and said "Alright you can go on."

I exited his office and went into my bedroom. I prepared myself for bed because I was honestly kind of excited to see Solomon again.

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