Chapter 7 new friends ot more bullys ?

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"Wake up sweetie time to get up and get to school "my mother said as I blinked my eyes abit to adjust

"Ugghhh mom I'm up !"I said in a frosty tone

"Okay well breakfast is down stairs hurry and get ready because its already 7:09"she sai again

"Okay mom"I said as I sat up

My mom then walked out of the room to leave me to get dressed

I hurried and took off my shirt and pajama pants I then looked to my full inch mirror to only find

No thigh gap.

No curves.

No flat stomach.

Nothing but pure fat.

God I hate myself why can't I be like the girls at school almost everyone of them have a thigh gap or curves

I hurried and put on some skinny jeans-which in fact were tight on me-and a black tank and black see through shirt

About 10 minutes later I had applied some makeup and got my things together

"Honey hurry up its 7:21!"my mother yelled from down stairs

I then ran down the steps to find bacon,eggs and toast waiting for me

"Hurry and eat or your going to be late."she said

"Uh mom know thanks I had some chips before bed"Lie.

"Ya sure?"she asked

"Yup now I will be in the car"I said and walked to get my Black TOMS on

My mom had spoiled me rotten since she got me back I now have an iPhone 5, a Mac book air and everything I could dream of

I started to think of my plans on how to lose weight

I can't just starve myself forever my mom will notice and I can't keep eating normally because I won't be skinny enough so I could fast and work out more

"Are you okay I mean you have been staring at your shoes for some time now"my brother said as I noticed we were almost to school

"Yup just had a nightmare that's all "I said reassuringly

"Yooooo pick up the phone ya slut!"my phone rang

"Hello?"I said

"Hey just wanted to talk before you were at school"Kellins voice said through the phone

"Good I missed you!"I said

"I miss you to but I have some great news"He said

"Well go on"I answered enthusiastic

"We'll today it's going to be posted every where from insta to vine and on every fan page you can imagine "he said with a stop

"...keep going gosh "I said with a laugh

"Okay okay but anyway ...this is our last tour!"he said finally

"OH MY GOSH KELLIN THAT'S GREAT WE CAN FINALLY HANG OUT!"I screamed as I got out of the car

"Mom did ya hear Kellin is coming home!"I said as I hugged her

"Yes honey now go its 7:30 on the dot"she said

"Now where were we Kellin haha"I said

"Wow look Jasmin thinks she is on the phone with Kellin Quinn haha stupid bitch"Kylee said

Yea I guess a lot of people know about sleeping with sirens here

I just continued to walk as I could hear Kellin

"What did that little bitch say please tell me no one is bullying you again"he said with anger

"Yea I have more of em most of the words are being called fat and ugly but I just ignore it so should you!"I said like it was nothing

"But I can't I'm not you so I can't just pretend its not there !"he said with concern

"Kellin stop I'm fine I promise now I gotta go ,the doors are opening"I said

"Okay well I'm going to pick you up after school"he said

"Okay bye"I said before I ended the call

I then walked in and grabbed my things for the day


I walked into the cafeteria only to find Brynn,Jackie and Coby waiting for me my only friends in this school

"Hey we're going for movies and dinner after school wanna come?"Cody asked

"No thanks my friend is coming to get me"I said as polite as possible

We then walked to the front to buy some pizza well at least the rest did all I bought was bread and a apple with water

"Why aren't you getting pizza ?"Jackie asked

"Not hungry"I said

*after school*

I waited outside the school for Kellins black car to pull up

"Quack quack"my phone said signaling a text

'Doctors appointment the 29th-mom'it read

'Ok it's a plan be home in a few hours'I replied


Hey uh srry I haven't updating in a long time and before u think this book is 'cheesy' just keep reading and if it isn't obvious she is Ana

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