Only a few days

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Jasmin's P.O.V

I was so excited.Only 5 days until I get out.This is going to fly by fast considering Mindy gets out a few days after I do and Emma get out the day after tomorrow.As soon as I got out I'm going to see Kellin that's going to be the first thing I do.

I eat regular now,I eat Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner but I don't eat any junk food.I just wanted to stay healthy.Me and the girls have made so many plans for when we get out of here.Mindy has no place to live because her whole family disowned her for some reason,which she won't tell me?

Emma lives the next town over from mine.We don't know what were going to do about that but we were thinking of Me,Kellin,Mindy and her all live in one house so it makes everything simpler.

"Phone call"Rebecca said as she walked into Me and Emma's dorm.I jumped knowing I was going to call Kellin

It answered on the 4th ring

"Hello?"Kellin's croaky voice said

"Did I interrupt a nap 'cause I can cal you back"I said

"No no!I would rather talk to you"He said

"Oh ok whatcha doin?"I said

"I was taking a nap and me and the boys are going out to get something today"He said

"Oh well whatcha getting?"I asked

"Can't say it's a ah..surprise for err..Mike!"He said

"Why what's Mike up to?"I asked

"Oh yea ya know he broke a f-few fingers and were buying him something err..yeah!"He said

He was lying but if he was lying there had to be a reason.

"Ok well hope he's okay"I played along

"So are you excited that your going be coming home in a few days?"He asked

"Oh yea I'm super excited!We just can't go home just yet, were going to have to stay in a hotel so we don't leave Mindy"I explained

"Ok well that's fine we can just wait a few days I'm so excited to meet my lovers best friends"He said

"Yes well Emma gets out before us so you can't meet her just yet"I said

"Well at least I get to meet Mindy"He said cheery

We continued to make plans for the rest of my half hour call until it was time to get off.

I decided to start packing considering how excited I was.

I walked into my dorm room and packed away the photo's on the walls and my hair care and make up.

I knew I had 5 days but that doesn't mean I'm going to pack a day before I leave.

"Wanna go for a swim for the last time with me?"Emma asked sadly

"Emma were still going to see each other don't worry.But sure "I said

We walked to the swimming area and began swimming.

~Time Lapse ~

Emma grabbed her suitcase and started to cry.

"What's wrong Em?"I asked

"What if everyone thinks I'm fat when I get out?"I chuckled as she said that

"Emma you can honestly believe that right?Emma you look better than what you did when I got here , you look fabulous and whoever is waiting for you out there right now is going to be so so proud of you.Im proud of you and I'm happy for you"I said and hugged her

She chuckled "I guess your right I'm being silly"She said and wiped her tears

We walked down to the main doors as all the girls were waiting for her.

"Emma were proud of you"Dalia said and hugged her

"Thanks girls I'm proud of myself and I couldn't have done it without you"She said to us girls and Rebecca

"I'm going to miss all of you "She stated as a tear came down her face

"We will keep in touch "A girl said,I couldn't remember her name though

"And you'll see me and Mindy in less than a month"I said

"I love you girls so very much"She said as we made a huge group hug

After that she walked out the doors, I knew I was going to see her again considering I had her number and she had mine and we were going to live together if all goes as planned

Only 3 days until I was going to be put in her spot.


SO SHORT IM SORRY but at least I updated :)

I'm making a NEW BOOK when I finish this one.


It's going to be great and I'm going to work very hard on it.It will be a lot better than this sucky book :/

I'm so excited to finish this book :)!!!!I might make like 3 or 5 more chapters before I finish it

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