.7. It was Alway You

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He's so cute...
So always is my favorite song. It gives me a heart attack every time I hear it so here we go. Pretty lyric video in the side for you.


"Dall... What do we have for that one?" He asked Dallon as we walked into the studio. He was still holding tightly onto my hand.

"I think it's finished." Dallon responded taking a sip of his water bottle.

"Weren't you going to take Breezy out tonight?" Brendon asked.

"Knox is sick." I said absentmindedly before realizing what I had just said. He had made a vine and I follow him on vine. Oh shit. Royal crap on a cracker. Now they are going to think I am a stalker. They both looked at me like I was from another planet with a fucking unicorn horn on my face. "You-um- didn't you make a Vine?" I managed to stutter. "I am not a stalker I swear." They seemed to let out a breath of relief.

"Oh. She's right." Dallon said flashing an awkward smile.

"Can we do a run through?" Brendon asked waving a hand to the people in the studio before going over to his mic and putting on his headphones. One of the producers opened the door to let me in and waved me toward a chair in front of all the mixing equipment. Dallon picked up his bass and Kenneth picked the strings of his electric.

"Where is Dan?" Kenny said looking around the studio.

"He's probably talking up the new receptionist." Dallon said walking over to a table full of papers spread atop it.

"Jamie," Brendon said waving me out. I got up slowly and walked to the door opening it slowly sticking my head out. "I want you on drums." My eyes popped out of my head and my mouth dropped.


"It won't go in the record. We're just playing around." I walked out and sat down on the seat before reaching into my purse and pulling out my sticks. I never go anywhere without them. I tapped a couple times and soon got lost in what I was doing. Before I realized I looked up and stopped. Brendon and Dallon were standing there just looking at me. "Dallon." He said seriously without taking his eyes off of me.

"Yes Brendon."

"This girl is amazing." He said making me blush. I looked down at my feet and ran my fingers up and down my worn out sticks. The door opened and Dan came in with an astonished look on his face.

"Hey...why is she sitting in my spot?" He said playfully.

"She's taking your place in the band Dan." Dallon said laughing.

"Oh no... I'll just be the insane groupie that stalks you." I said getting up and gesturing to Dan. He came and quickly sat spinning his sticks between his fingers. Dallon and Brendon went over to the table covered in papers and started muttering to each other. Brendon smiled and looked at Dallon before kissing him lightly on the forehead. I subsequently squealed. They both turned and looked at me. "Sorry...sorry. Huuuuggggeeeee Brallon shipper."

"Ahhhhh..." Kenny yelled from across the room. "Called it!" I laughed nervously. They both laughed.

"Anyway. Dallon you are a genius." Brendon said walking back over to the mic and started singing. It sounded different. Still absolutely beautiful and mesmerizing, but different. I watched in awe as they played the song over and over again until I knew the words and the rifts; I could've played it myself. I looked down at my watch and it was almost midnight. Over the last couple years of my life I had become a night owl. I would be passed out on my couch at 6:45 and then up all night. "We need something..." One of the producers played the recording and I bobbed my head to the music. The lyrics were great and so was the music, but he was right; it was missing something.

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