.24. The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty

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Sexy Gif for a hopefully sexy chapter... oops... did i say that out loud?


"Of course Brendon!" She exclaimed. I got up quickly, and placed the ring on her finger before wiping her tears away and holding her close to me. I kissed her softly and tangled my fingers in hers. "The ring is beautiful."

"Only the best for the most beautiful girl." I responded with a smile.

"Why don't you two love birds go on and celebrate...I would hate to keep you here after such an important moment." Avery suggested. Jamie nodded her head and then looked back at me.

"Okay...let me get my bag." She said turning away from me and getting her purse. Her parents got up from the dining table and lead us to the front door. Jamie hugged and kissed her parents while I stood next to her. Her dad stuck out his hand which I took and shook firmly.

"Take good care of my girl okay?"

"Of course sir." I said nodding my head. I turned to Avery and took her hand in mine kissing the back of her hand. "Thank you so much." I said with pleading eyes.

"Of course. You have no idea how long she has dreamed." She said smiling at me. "Jamie, keep me updated on the wedding plans."

"I will ma." She said as we walked out the door. "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" We walked out of the house and into the crisp clean spring air. I held her hand tight in mine and squeezed.

"I love you. Thank you for saying yes."

"Would you question that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you?" She responded pulling me closer to her.

"I don't know." I said kissing her.

"Can we go home?" She said with a suggestive glint in her eyes.

"If that's what you want." I responded feeling the excitement enter my voice. I apologize for being a hormonal man. She tugged my arm back to the car and got in. I started the car and serenaded her with Frank Sinatra the whole way home. I pulled into the driveway and looked at her. She had her beautiful smile lighting up the darkness around us. I leaned over and placed my hand on her cheek and stared into her eyes. She finished the space between us with an urgency I had never seen before from her.

"Someone is in a hurry eh?" I said separating us.

"Shut up and kiss me." She said between kisses to my jaw.

"Fine." I said pulling the keys out of the ignition and getting out of the car. She followed suit before I could open the door for her. I unlocked the door with shaking hands. We stumbled into the house trying not to fall over in the way we were kissing. She grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs into her bedroom. As soon as we were in the room she pushed me into the door with insane strength. "Fuck Jamie..." I involuntarily moaned. She laughed. I trailed kisses from her lips and into the crook of her neck. She threw her head back allowing me more space to attack her neck. I sucked in little places making sure to leave marks as she let out longer breaths. She finally let up her pressure between me and the door. I used my leverage to place my hands on her thighs. "Jump." I moaned. She jumped up on me wrapping her legs around my waist. I laid her down on the bed and straddled her simply staring at her beauty. Her hands started tugging at my bow tie, and pulled it out of its perfect tie before her hands went straight to my hair. I hands found their way under her shirt and then it was laying on the floor. Her fingers went to the buttons of my shirt, skillfully unbuttoning them faster than I could have ever done myself.

"I love you." She said pulling me closer to her. I pressed my lips to hers hoping that she would know what my response would have been.

"J?" I heard the door open. "Oh my god! Did not need to see that!!!" Annie screamed before slamming the door and running out of the room. I smiled into Jamie's lips. She ran her fingers through my hair again, something that she did a lot, but I had yet to get used to.

"There you go touching my hair again... This is not going to end well."

IIIIMMMM SSSOOOOO SOOORRRRYYYY!!!! This is so fucking bad... I am horrible at writing smut so yeah. *wipes the sweat off her forehead nervously* and even if I was okay at writing it I would suck at hetero smut because I've been on this place for far too long. So yeah.

Next chapter will be the wedding.

Sorry for these really slow updates. I annotated 268 pages of Anne Frank for a test tmrw so I have been slammed with homework.

I LOVE YOU!!! Keep commenting because you guys make me so freaking happy!!!!!!!! Like you have no idea how happy I am when you guys comment...

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