.34. All of the Drugs She Takes At Night

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^Look at the picture. This is Archie^
We climbed out of the window and got into my car as quietly as we could. It was hard because Jacob was literally the most ecstatic human at the moment. As soon as we got in the car he let out a loud ass giggle and wouldn't shut up the whole time. I drove down the street I knew so well. The place where everything started. Every light in the house was off as always, and the grass was dead. I pulled into the driveway and his eyes widened.

"Holy shit! You weren't kidding!" He said turning to me with a grin on his face. My heart clenched. I was about to do this all over again, and believe it or not, I was excited.

"Nope. This. Is where the shit is at." I said tugging the keys out of the ignition and getting out of the car. We trudged up the gravel doorway and I tugged open the door. My nose was immediately hit with the smell of burning weed and whiskey. The lights were dim and the whole room reeked of sweat. We ventured further into the house passing people passed out on the dirty carpet, or so high that they were sailing the skies. I went into the kitchen my hand clutching on to Jakes tightly. He was grinning like a maniac. As I went into the room I was greeted by a smile I remembered so vividly.

"Hey jelly baby..." He cooed with a smirk on his face. I smiled nervously at him. That feeling of contempt rising in my stomach. His black curls tumbled softly into his eyes and he brushed them away with his tattooed hands. He had changed a lot in these few years, but not enough. He came over to me and brushed a stray lock of hair out of my eyes before placing a kiss on the side of my mouth. "I've missed you." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spin. He pulled away from me readjusting his leather jacket. "Who's the kid?"

"Jake..." I said introducing Jacob.

"Jacob Black." He said stretching out his hand. Archie completely ignored him and reassumed his position next to the kitchen sink.

"Archie." He said nodding his head. "So," he clapped his hands together, "should we get started?" He looked around the room at a couple other people that were scattered around the room. "Alrighty then... Let's do this."
"That light... Is so pretty." Jacob said pointing to the sky.

"Damn. It is..." I responded swirling my finger around in the air above me. We were sitting with our backs to the wall of the house passing a joint in between us increasing the high we already had. "I missed this." I said lazily lolling my head around.

"This was your place then?"

"Yeah, Archie got me hooked. What can I say?" I said with a giggle.

"What did Archie do?" He said coming out through the sliding glass doorway. He sat down beside me and took the blunt from my fingers. I smiled and leaned into him.

"This place: the smells, the feeling, the high." I inhaled deeply and climbed into his lap. "But most of all," I said tracing a finger down his chest, "I missed you." I whispered in his ear before he hungrily pushed his lips to mine. My body became consumed in a fire for him. I wanted him like I had him all those years ago, and the way it looked he wanted me the same way. He quickly got rough and I knew what he wanted. I wasn't afraid to give it to him.

"Let's go jelly baby..." He whispered softly into my ear. I nodded my head and reconnected our lips. He kissed me back with a passion he had never lost. He carried me up stairs and into a bedroom before dropping me lightly on the mattress. He climbed on top of means kissed me again. I tugged at his shirt and he pulled it off. "I missed this." He said his voice full of lust. His hands found their way under my t-shirt and he pulled it off. His eyes wandered along my body and at my bikini that I hadn't taken off from the beach. "Did you go to the beach today?"

"Yes sir I did." I said biting my lip.

"I bet you looked good." He said pressing kisses into my neck.

"Mmhhm..." I moaned quietly.

"How high are you?"

"I don't know, but I feel pretty fucking good." I said laughing.

"Oh just wait..."
AN: nope don't want to write that shit
"So you're with that Urie guy?" He asked me lighting a cigarette. He took a drag and then laid back in the sheets handing it to me.

"Not anymore." I said simply taking a drag as well. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at me with bloodshot eyes.


"He cheated on me." I laughed and pulled the covers further to my chin. He wrapped a hand around my waist and tugged me closer to him. My eyes started to cloud up, but I pushed them away. "But I don't want to think about him."

"Want me to make you forget?"

AN: jeez... I am so sorry. The whole world is just going to hell...

(Comment please)
Okay guys... I hope y'all are ready for this shit... No fucking joke right now. My cousin sent me this:

 My cousin sent me this:

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