.35. The Kids Are(n't) Alright

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^^i may or may not have screenshoted this from his periscope^^
//prettyodd_panic updated so therefore!! UPDATE go check out our brallon//

I took a deep breath and laid back on my bed before taking a sip of the beer bottle next to my bed. My eyes were hurting like a bitch and my head was foggy. It had been months since I had seen Jamie. Luckily they were busy filled with interviews and performances. Lots of days where I didn't have one moment to think about the last time I took a shit, and definitely not to think about the mistake I made with her. Sometimes my thoughts wandered to her. I wanted to know if she was okay. If she had gone back to school? Had she moved on to someone that would treat her better? I heard a knock on the door and yelled for whoever it was to come in. Dallon entered my room gingerly running his fingers through his mop of hair.

"Hey Dal..." I muttered taking another gulp of the lukewarm drink.

"Hey..." He said softly. I patted the spot next to me on my wrinkled sheets and he sat down next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Just peachy." I say smiling and lifting the bottle to my lips again.

"Bullshit Brendon."

"What do you expect of me? Do you want me to just sit here and tell you every thought that has ever gone through my head since I fucked up so badly?! Because it's not pretty..." I exclaimed raising my voice and feeling my temper rise.

"No B that's not what I want! I want you to tell me if you are hurting..." He responded hanging his head. He was so sensitive. Always there for me when I needed it, and I'm a fucking dick to him all the time. "I mean I seriously do not want to see the state of your fucking liver right now."

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to think about it... And who gives a shit?!" I said trying to smile. "What about you? Are you hurting?" I asked awkwardly.

"No... Everything is good."


"Yeah. Good."

"Dammit this is really weird."

"Yeaaaahhh kind of." He leaned back on my bed almost hitting his head, and I laughed at the size of him.

"You are like a fucking giraffe!" I kind of yelled.

"DON'T DISCRIMINATE! Just because you are a small bean doesn't mean that you can get mad at me and my giraffe lineage!" He responded laughing. I started laughing too, and all the awkwardness was gone in a few seconds.

"Are you calling me a small bean?"

"You're already a freaking frijole! I should be able to label you small!"

"Fucking degenerate..." I mumbled shaking my head.

"Shit the fuck up! I could beat you any day at Scrabble!"



"Nerd." I said shaking my head and laughing.

"Bitch... I am proud."

"Glad to see you come out of the closet my nerd." AN: the brallon feels are too strong.

"You little bastard," he growled.

"That hurt." I said clutching my chest.

"Baby," he said quickly before regaining his focus, "oh...Breezy wanted me to ask you if you could watch the kid tonight? Us being back home and all."

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