.44. The End.

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I smoothed put the fold of my dress one last time and took a deep breath

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I smoothed put the fold of my dress one last time and took a deep breath. My dad smiled down at me and I saw a stray tear fall from his eye. He wiped it away before looping his arm through mine.

"Daddy don't cry..." I said holding back tears of my own. I was minutes away from saying 'I do' for the second time. It had been almost three years since my suicide attempt. So much had changed since then, and he truly had proved himself to me.

"I can't help it... It's just been so much for you lately, and I know how rough it has been for you. I'm just glad to see you happy again." He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. I rested a hand on my flat belly, and thought of the little peanut growing inside of me. It was nothing yet, but I was going to have a baby. Brendon's baby. Only Annie knew because she heard me screaming for joy when I took the tests. I would tell him tonight. I was so happy. I heard the music begin and the doors opened letting Annie and Kenny walk first followed by Breezy and Dallon and finally my dad and I. I took my strides with confidence as I walked into the ballroom. It was a beautiful venue. Very French and elegant. When we stepped into the venue I knew that this was where we had to get married. The gold decor on the walls had captivated both Brendon and I and took our breath away. It was very ornate with tall ceilings and centuries old glass chandeliers hanging from the roof. I took it all in. It was beautiful. The gold stained chairs draped in gorgeous satin tapestry. Candles sat lit and flickering on the floor along with the freshly fallen rose petals that Amelie had dropped just minutes before. The guests stood and smiled at me. This time I had a real wedding dress. It was a beautiful princess gown with lace on the bodice and long sleeves. The skirt was long and poofy and made mostly of lace. It fit perfectly with the Europeanness of the whole place. And then my eyes landed on Brendon who looked amazing like always, but today. He was stunning. His tuxedo fit him perfectly and the flowers that we had picked sat buttoned to his lapel. I felt a surge of affection run through my stomach and I smiled. When I reached the front of the room I smiled at my dad before he pressed a kiss to my temple. Brendon took me in his arms and we turned to face Spencer in front of us. We had told him not to make this too long and drawn out.

"Today, I stand in front of friends and family of these two beautiful people. It my absolute honor to marry you two." He stopped and nodded at the two of us. "After trial and tribulation Brendon and Jamie have stuck together and defeated their demons together, now as you two prepare to set off on this life together I want you to remember. That even through the good times, and the bad times, through sick and through health, when rich and when poor, you two are vowing that from this day forward you are promised to each other. Now! For the vows,and rings please!" He clapped his hands together. Knox stepped up and handed Brendon the ring. It was the same one I had been wearing all these years. I loved it too much.

"I just want to apologize in advance for any language... I've made a lot of mistakes, so if I drop a bomb. I'm sorry. " The crowd laughed and he took a deep breath. I watched his eyes rest on me; he still captivated my every breath. "Jamie... Where do I even begin? Do I start at where we met? That concert and you touching my hair. I could've sworn that I saw that light in your eyes when you did. So much has happened since then. And every moment was so amazing. Even through the impossible year. The year after I broke your heart and I had to rebuild every fucking thing I did wrong. I could say that I regretted it, but I don't. Because it only made us stronger. You are my rock, you are the one thing that keeps me moving through every moment of every day. And I love you for that." He smiled and winked, but I knew that he was holding back his tears. "And I promise, I vow, that from this moment on I will love you. I will love you until hell freezes over, or when Blink-182 stops making music. I love you." Another chatter of laughter went through our friends and family. //so. I've never really listened to Blink, but this new song is really great... I will have to start listening to them//

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