.14. Living like a Washed Up Celebrity (pt. 1)

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Oh my gosh!!! Look at how little... I am really excited about this chapter. Some crazy shit is going to go down... I had to split this chapter y'all.

*This is a few weeks after the last chapter*

"I'm nervous." I said adjusting my collar yet another time.

"Why are you nervous?" Annie asked me. We were running around the kitchen trying to get ready for when everyone would come over. It wasn't much, just Dallon, Breezy, Pete, Patrick, Dan, Kenny, Brendon, and Jacob... Okay, it was going to be big.

"Because I am turning 24 today." I said throwing up my hands.

"I know, just take it slow okay?" She said laughing at how pathetic I was.

"I'm old!"

"NO you aren't."

"Yes I am, another day closer to death..." I slid my finger down my cheek like I was pretending to cry.

"Okay Archie..." She said opening the fridge and staring in intently.

"Don't pull that on me..."

"I told you that you should have invited him."

"Okay, no." I said matter-of-factly. "That boy was a root to a lot of fucking problems in my life."

"I know, but you guys need to work it out."

"No." I said. Archie, my best friend... Before Annie and I got close, Archie and I were inseparable. Every root of every issue in my life is because of him.

"Hello Everyone! The party has arrived!" Brendon said coming in the house. He came in the kitchen with a few bags no doubt filled with alcohol.

"Hello love!" I said going over to him and giving him a side hug.

"Happy birthday..." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Thank you!"

"Okay so I got good beer, some whiskey, I figured we could play Never Have I ever, or Truth or dare or something, and I got a bottle of champagne y'all!' He said raising his hands above his head.

"Good, our alcohol supply was a little low." I said nodding my head.

"Not even Jamie..." Annie said shaking her head.

"Have you seen this guy drink?" I said jabbing a finger at Brendon. He was staring around the room with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Where are the balloons? The streamers? Have you never had a party before?" He asked me.

"I TOLD YOU JAMIE! I wanted to do that and she told me no." Annie yelled. She did want to basically throw me this huge party with loud music and balloons, but I didn't want that. I just wanted my friends and to just hang out.

"Fuck that...We are getting some of this shit." He said storming out of the house and slamming the door. I looked at Annie sheepishly and shrugged. She handed me a bag of Doritos which I poured into a large bowl on the counter.


Twenty minutes Brendon came back in the house. Around his arms were probably 20 multi colored balloons and a bag full of streamers.By now we had the table set with one of those stupid orange plastic table cloths with confetti scattered all over the place. There were cheap plastic bowls full of chips and i had even bought one of those vegetable platters. I seriously felt like I was five again. Brendon ran around the room hanging the streamers from the ceiling. I had his Sinatra playlist playing from every corner of the room, so he was dancing happily around the room stopping every once in a while to kiss me or dance with me. I loved being with him. No doubt about it.

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