.8. We Will Dance to Anything

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Everyone stop what you are doing right now and watch this video...

I woke up still cuddled in his arms. I exhaled softly and smiled. This wasn't a dream; I was waking up next to Brendon Urie. He was still sleeping with little snores escaping his parted lips. I nuzzled closer and closed my eyes again hoping to make it last longer. The morning sun was starting to warm the room, and the birds in the trees were rising from their sleeps as well, singing their beautiful songs. I was just falling back asleep, and you know that feeling that is kind of in between sleep and awake where you feel like you are just kind of floating before you fall fully asleep? That's how it was, and it's a weird place because it feels great but somehow you are always woken up by something. Today, my phone decided to wake me up and scare me half to death. I sat straight up, flailed my arms around before I fell off the bed and landed in the floor with a thump. I groaned, but still reached for my phone from my bag.

"Hello..." I said groggily rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"HEY! What are you doing? Why aren't you home?" Annie's chipper voice practically yelled at me from the other line. I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Shh... Shut up." I whispered.

"What are you doing?" She asked me with obvious speculation.

"You just made me fall out of bed and probably wake Brendon up..." I said with annoyance lacing my voice.

"You slept with him? Damn girl."

"No I didn't sleep with him," I said slowly before scrunching up my face, "I mean I slept with him, but I didn't sleep with him." I said waving my hands around in the air. I got up from the floor and looked to see if I had disturbed him at all. He had rolled over and went starfish, so I didn't feel too bad. I started out of the room and went down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Okay that makes sense. Kind of." She said laughing. "When you get home...I want every single detail."

"You got it," I said happily rummaging through his cupboards. He had absolutely nothing. In the fridge there was a gallon of expired milk, a six pack of beer and half a pizza. He had no serve wear or cook wear; I don't even know how he lived. "This man had nothing in his house." I said to Annie.


"He has nothing, I don't even think he has a source of food in here." I said in complete disgust.

"That is horrible." She said mocking me.

"Oh my god you are such a butt turd." I said shutting the cabinets and wandering through the rest of his house.

"You cannot say that! That's my thing!" She yelled at me. "That is like me introducing myself as Jamie."

"But you are Annie?"

"Exactly." She said matter of factly.

"Okay I'm going back upstairs. I will be home soon." I said before hanging up on her. I climbed the stairs and re-entered his bedroom. He was all tangled up in the sheets laying with his hands entwined and resting lightly on his stomach. That man moved a lot in his sleep. I jumped on the bed and sat on his stomach. His eyes fluttered a bit but didn't open all the way. "Breeennnddooonn..." I said drawing out the syllables.

"Hmm." He mumbled trying to get me off of him. "Come here and we can cuddle."

"You're a cuddler then?" I said laughing and rolling up next to him.

"Yup." He said closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around me.

"You have nothing in your house."

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