.12. Love is Not a Choice

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We stumbled out of the dance hall, all of us a little bit more tipsy than we were earlier. I'm not a lightweight. I've had a lot of practice with holding alcohol so I considered myself okay. I was buzzing from head to toe with excitement. I was happy, we were all happy.

"So, we have a few options here..." Brendon announced holding his finger in the air. "One, all of you lovely people can come back to my place and we can get some more drinks and I can kick all your sorry asses in Mario Kart. Or. Two, you can all be lame and go back to your humble abodes."

We all looked at him with wide eyes, and then a huge chorus of cheers erupted through our group.

"Hell yeah!" Dan yelled pumping his fist in the air.

"If you think that you can beat me in Mario Kart, you are high on CRACK!" Dallon said loudly cocking his head to the side.

"Trust me... I am the king of Mario Kart..." Brendon said nodding his head.

"Hey Peterick!" Kenny yelled at Pete and Patrick. Pete had Patrick pinned up against the building and was attacking his neck violently. Patrick had his hands running up the back of Pete's tux and into his hair. "You guys coming!" Pete grunted and waved his hand in the air which I was going to assume was a no.

"Alright then." Kenny said before turning to Annie and looking at her in one of the most beautiful ways I have ever seen someone look at somebody else. Brendon then pulled me into him with his hands resting lightly on the small of my back. The night light reflected beautifully on the ground around us and it was only us. It seemed to be that way around him. It was just me and him together. He tilted his head down the little bit it was for him to reach me, and kissed me lightly on my nose. We separated with smiles on our faces, and I looked back at Annie who was basically smiling her face off.

"Let's do this shit!" Brendon yelled pulling away from me. With that Dallon, Breezy, Annie, Kenny, Dan, Brendon, and I all walked slowly back to the limo and got in.
"Okay guys... Let's get this party started!" Dallon yelled raising the 12 pack of Heinekens above his head.

"Brendon we're going to go find some clothes to change into." I said gesturing towards the stairs. He pushed out his lower lip and looked at me.

"Don't pout. We will be right back." I said running to him and throwing my arms around his neck. He dug his chin into my neck and blew a raspberry. "BRENDON BOYD URIE! That is gross!" I yelled laughing at him and then running back to Breezy and Annie. The boys started laughing and immediately broke into the booze. We walked up the stairs as quickly as we could with the dresses we were wearing.

"So are you guys together now or something?" Breezy asked me nudging her elbow into my ribs.

"I don't know..." I said wondering myself. We hadn't known each other for long, but I felt that connection with him.

"I would bet anything that he is head over heels for you." Annie said under her breath.

"I can believe anything like this is happening." I sighed.

"Well you better believe it girl!" Breezy exclaimed. We erupted in a fit of giggles. "Welcome to the girlfriend club! I've been so lonely." She said laughing and gazing dramatically past me. I went into Brendon's room and started going through his drawers to find some sweat pants and shirts for us girls. I loved this dress and wanted to keep wearing it forever, but it was also uncomfortable, and I wanted to hang with my new friends. When I found something for each of us I went back into the hallway where the girls were standing.

"Annie, I have never seen anyone look at anyone the way Kenny looks at you." Breezy said happily as I tossed her some clothes. She caught it and Annie blushed.

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