.15. Living like a Washed Up Celebrity (pt. 2)

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Less than ten minutes later we were tramping our way through Walmart. Now this would be completely normal if it were perhaps 2 people, maybe 3, but a total of 10 people; three of which were pretty famous. I mean I know me and my fan girl ways, I was always on the lookout for superstars when I went anywhere. So... I didn't know what to expect. I had never been out really with him before.

"Okay get some toilet paper and some 2 liter bottles of soda." Brendon said as we walked down the toilet paper aisle. Dallon grabbed two of the biggest packs and held them under his arms.

"This good Bren?"

"Yeah." He shrugged his shoulders and we continued on our way to the soda aisle.


*random girl in the store POV*
I really wanted to do this...this would be how I reacted.

I was sick. Like so sick that I looked like I was about to fall over and die. My eyes were rimmed with red, and I was coughing like I was about to spill open my guts. And it didn't help that I was out of medicine. So I rolled out of bed with my tissues in hand and got dressed. I put on a pair of joggers and my old Panic! Shirt before stumbling to my car and driving to Walmart. I was about to fall over because not only was it almost 10 o'clock, but as said earlier; sick. I went immediately to the medicine aisle getting some of the stuff I thought would make me feel the best. Maybe I should get some 7Up to settle my stomach. So I headed over to the soda aisle. As I was gazing through the selection of soda when I heard giggles erupting from a large group of people. Probably some stupid teenagers that were getting stuff for a party. I rolled my eyes and then in my peripheral vision I thought I saw a sliver of a face I knew better than anything else. Was that... Was that Brendon Boyd Urie?

"Okay get tons of this shit! We need Pepsi and mentos. We are not messing around." He said with a certain excitement in his voice. Yup... It was... It was fucking Brendon Urie.  He was with this girl who was pretty. Really pretty. And then... Holy. Fucking. Crap. Dallon... Dallon Fucking Weekes. And Breezy and holy hell... Is that Pete Wentz? So Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump just decide to go to walmart with fucking panic! What the hell?! I was trying not to freak out at the sight of them. What do I do? I don't want to pass up this opportunity, but I don't want to be some kind of freak. As they got closer I started to freak out more. How am I supposed to hide the fact that I am wearing their band merch? UGGGHHH. I casually walked toward them and browsed the soda selection.

"Nice shirt." Brendon said simply coming up behind me.

"Oh-uh t-thanks." I said trying to control the blush on my cheeks. "I-I am a huge f-fan of you guys." I said gesturing to the whole group which was followed by a death cough.

"Oh my god!" Dallon said giving me a hug.

"You sound like you're dying..." Patrick said going over to me and wrapping himself around my frame. Then I saw Brendon, Pete, Dan, Kenny, Breezy, and the mysterious girl as they came over and gave me a hug. Soon I was surrounded by 9 people.

"Oh my gosh guys you are going to get sick!" I said in my hoarse voice.


"Yeah." They said stepping away from me. They returned to their soda shopping. Each of them had at least one 2 liter bottle of Pepsi in their hands. One guy came into the aisle with the largest pack of mentos I had ever seen in my life.

"I hope you feel better." The pretty girl with glasses said to me before going back to Brendon. He wrapped his arms around her waist and they walked down the aisle before turning back to me and waving a sweet goodbye to me. You could say that that might have been the best night of my life.

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