.32. A Beach Front of Bad Blood

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"Uh... It was a year, and uh, 14 days ago. Before our show she was right in front in the pit, and I was a little tipsy. I went down the get my mic, and she got a little excited. Her and her friend were there together, and she wanted to touch my hair. I gave in, and the rest is history." He laughed the laugh that I knew was fake. He was sitting on that couch with Dallon next to him. He was a mess; his hair not nearly as perky, his eyes were puffy with dark circles underneath. He looked horrible. The girl started asking questions about us, how we were, what our life was like, were their kids in the future? He answered flawlessly, each answer was a lie. Annie was sitting next to me, and both our eyes were fixed on him. My head was resting on her shoulder a cup of my favorite tea warmed my hands. She reached for the remote and turned the tv off with a frustrated groan.

"Could he be trying any godamn harder?!" She mumbled sitting back down. I wanted to say something, but my vocal chords weren't working. "Let's do something! I'm so tired of being here..." She said getting up from the couch.

"O-okay..." I stuttered.

"L-let's... Let's go to the beach!" She said matter-of-factly. I groaned. "C'mon!! We won't go in the water. Let's just go, sit on the sand, enjoy the sun, and forget about this god forsaken bastard!"

"Okay." I said standing up.


"Yeah... I want to get out too." I went to my room and rummaged through my drawers to find my favorite bikini. It was black and white graphic pattern. The top tied around my neck and the bottoms were high waisted with little rectangles cut out of the side. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and threw on my black high waisted shorts and My Chemical Romance shirt. I slipped on my black vans and went downstairs.

Annie was packing up a bag and her whitewashed jean shorts a white t-shirt and a light pink kimono

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Annie was packing up a bag and her whitewashed jean shorts a white t-shirt and a light pink kimono. Her hair was laying lightly on her shoulders with a huge floppy hat hugging her head. I went into my music room grabbing my guitar and songbook as well as my favorite pen. I put sunscreen, my notebook, pen and water bottle in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. Tucking my phone in my pocket and readjusting my glasses I went back in the kitchen where she was standing with her sun glasses perched on her nose.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Yup, that's really what you are wearing to the beach?"

"Yeah... Bite me." I said slapping her on the butt as I walked out to her car. For some reason whenever we went anywhere we took her car. We listened to Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Twenty-One Pilots the whole way there, and avoiding anything to do with Panic! The air got salty as we got closer to the water. We parked and picked a spot on the empty beach. The salty air cleared my head for the first time in a few days and the sound of the waves calmed me. I pulled out my guitar and started playing anything and everything that came to mind. Annie sat next to me laying back under the umbrella we had brought with us in her favorite bikini. It was almost highlighter orange with fancy crisscross straps and black outlining.

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