Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Violet was woken to a blood curling scream that chilled her to the bone and made her ears ring.

Almost immediately girls from other years flooded the room, and Pansy turned away, searching for her wand. Another Slytherin fifth year named Theresa popped up at the scream and saw the boils, then covered her mouth in silent horror. Pansy threw a despairing look at her.

"What happened?" Theresa asked.

"It was her; I'm sure of it."

Violet didn't have to look up to know that Pansy was pointing at her. Keeping her face blank, as if she were still sleeping, Violet heard her breakdown.

"Where is my wand?" Pansy screamed. "Where is it! You! Give me your wand!"

"No! It's mine; find your own! Hey!" Pansy wrestled the second year and tugged the wand out of her hand, then pointed it at Violet.

"Blastrikia!" Pansy screeched. The curse bounced off of Violet and she sighed in relief. "It isn't working!" She flung the wand back at the girl. "Theresa, give me yours! You're a decent enough witch!"

"Densaugeo," Theresa said calmly, tapping her wand in Pansy's direction.


"You're already so ugly; I couldn't help it." Theresa grinned.

"What is going on here?" The only man allowed down the girls' hall had finally arrived–Severus Snape.

"Professor," said Pansy, but one could hardly understand for the size of her teeth, "Violet Ramsey cursed me with–"

"How could she have cursed you while she slept?" Snape asked.

"Well obviously she did it after I fell asleep–"

"Was she not already asleep when you came in? I did not remove any points for tardiness last evening. Do not make me regret my decision."

Pansy was revolted. "PROfessor! Violet–"

"May be Muggleborn, but that is no reason for you to accuse her without another basis. Have you another basis, Miss Parkinson? Or shall I punish Miss Winslow for your appearance, since there were witnesses to her cursing?"

"She threatened me yesterday!"

"And you threatened her!" Theresa said loudly. "I heard it! You approached her first!"

"I did not!" She was affronted. "Theresa, you dare to protect a Mudblood over a fellow Pureblood?"

"You have been prejudiced against Muggleborns from the moment you stepped into this school five years ago. You convinced me that Muggleborns were low-lifes, not worthy of any attention or respect, but I believe that Violet has shown you up, because if she did curse you, if this was her, then there is no evidence, and she will get away free. She is clever, and very clearly has an advantage over you. Prejudiced!"

Whispers ran through the other girls. "Prejudiced! Evil! Awful!"

Violet smirked.

Snape gave Theresa detention, but did not further punish anyone before leaving. Pansy at once covered her face and dashed to the hospital wing, and the other girls filed out.

"I know you're awake, Violet."

Violet sat up and yawned. "What happened?"

Theresa smirked. "You unleashed Hades. I suppose you've proved your worth as a Slytherin enough to be tolerable."

Was she trying to say that they were friends? Violet smiled. "So, no more name-calling or ignoring me?"

"You are correct. An alliance." Violet shook her outstretched hand and smiled. Finally. "You're going to need all the help you can get now that you've made an active enemy of Pansy."

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