Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

When it got dark and Violet was afraid Bellatrix was about to return to sleep, she left the room, and then paused. Not to Draco's room. She was still mad at him. Then where could she sleep? Well she would have to find a couch, or a comfortable spot on the floor.

Taking the quilt from his bed, she walked down to the family room and laid there. Uncomfortable, but alright. She'd slept on worse.

Draco wasn't surprised to find his quilt gone, although it irked him. And he wondered where she had gone, but he didn't care to look for her. She would just start another argument.

So he laid down and found that he couldn't sleep, and ended up just staring at the ceiling until well past midnight. Then someone screamed and he sat up. Another scream, and he was at his door. Was someone hurt? Then he had a thought that sickened him. What if Bellatrix was hurting Violet?

"DRACO!" Violet. He tore open his door and raced down the stairs. Which way–where would she go? Library? He started running down that way, but another scream, quieter, made him stop and spin around. The only other place with comfortable chairs and couches was the family room.

He raced down to the family room and skidded to a stop once inside, wand in hand even though he was not yet seventeen. "Violet?"

Then he saw her, writhing around on the floor with her eyes closed. He took a deep breath and went to her, trying to wake her up. "Vi. Ow! Stop screaming!"

Finally she stopped struggling, and her hands were still in his. Her eyes were wide open, staring at him. "What are you doing? Why am I on the floor?"

"You were dreaming about something very unpleasant. Screaming, even."

She shook her head. "Is that why you woke me up?" He nodded and she pulled her hands away, getting to her feet. "Thanks, but I'm still mad at you. Go away."

"No thanks." He sat on the couch on top of his quilt. She wasn't going anywhere. Knowing that, she sighed and sat down.

"Why did you start yelling at me in the first place?" she asked.

"Because you endangered your life to protect me."

"And that's a problem why?"

"Because I'm not worth it."

She rolled her eyes. "Please. There are two reasons anyone would say that: arrogance and need for attention, or low self-esteem and vulnerability. And you do not have low self-esteem."

"If you say so."

"Arrogant prick." She huffed. "Now get off so I can go back to sleep."

"And work your way into another nightmare? I don't think so."

"Then what? Sit up all night? Unlikely I'd be able to manage that."

"Come upstairs. Then if you have another nightmare, I won't be running across the house to get to you."

She raised her eyebrows. "Really? Are you sure it's me that needs you?" He humphed. "Mhm. I'm staying here. And tomorrow, I'm going to send a letter to my brother, since I can't leave the house."

She shoved him off the couch, which was made easy by the fact that he moved on his own. "Upstairs. Now. I'm going back to sleep so that I have some energy to deal with your family and anyone else that just happens to show up again."

"They're your family too," he said as he walked out.

"I'm too tired to understand that!" she called, hearing him laugh.

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