Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dark and dreary, Malfoy Manor was an old mansion, built by house elves and Muggle slaves, once in its prime but far past that day now, kept alive only by a handful of servants and magic.

This was the house which Violet stood in front of late in August. This was the only place she knew of. And though Draco hated her and she him, she hoped his house would provide for her in the brief time she would stay.

She walked to the front door, the sound of cackling Ernie, the Knight Bus driver, long gone. The huge door knocker was heavy in her hand, and hit the door with a thud once, twice, thrice. She dropped it and stepped back. Should Draco open the door, she would have to go back to call the Knight Bus again. But should it be his mother or a servant, she might get inside the door before being sent away and have time to plea.

The door opened with a creak. Violet felt her heart pounding, although her face was calm and impassive. This was her only chance. Past this, she would have to beg for someone to take her in or else sleep on the streets. She knew too little of Muggle money to pay for a room, and she didn't think she had enough even if she knew how to convert Galleons to Euros.

A small servant stood at the door. Squib, Violet guessed. Very few proper witches or wizards allowed themselves to be degraded to the stance of a house elf.

"How may I help you?" the servant asked.

"I was looking to speak with Draco or Narcissa Malfoy. Are either of them in?"

"The Mrs. is. Step inside; I'll be back in a moment." The servant swept out of sight as the door creaked back into the lock.

Not a minute later Narcissa Malfoy glided into the room, most likely expecting a guest of the same age as herself. "Hello," she said in surprise. "Narcissa Malfoy."

"Hello. Violet Ramsey. I'm sorry to barge in on you, but I had nowhere else to go. I'm schoolmates with Draco, and after I was kicked out of my house–"

"Say no more, dear girl. I'll handle this from here." Narcissa dismissed the servant, who curtsied and walked away. "Come with me." Violet shouldered her bags and followed her up a set of gleaming marble steps ten feet wide to an upper level that seemed to be made from solid gold, diamond, and marble.

"Ramsey," she mused. "I'm familiar with that name. Are you a Pureblood?"

"I am."

"I see." She nodded. "Now Draco is just down here," she said. "You may put your bags in here." Opening the door to what Violet assumed was the guest room, Narcissa said, "Feel free to do whatever you like; Draco is available if you need anything, or if you simply want to talk to him. I'm sure he would enjoy that." Violet suppressed a scoff.

Then she left. Violet put her trunk and bags on the bed as her owl headed for the roost beside the window on the far wall. Things were so clean, so orderly, so expensive in this house. She wondered if the sheets were pure silk.

After a few minutes she stepped out of her room and turned to the neighbouring door, then knocked. "Enter," drawled Draco in a bored tone.

She opened the door. "Now that you know who it is, do you still want me to come in?"

His room was very bright, although he sat in a shadow. He was sitting on his bed reading; she couldn't tell what book. Upon seeing her through, he grabbed that book and several others from the bed and placed them spine-in on the bookshelf. Hm. He didn't want her to know what he was reading. Alright.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"I kicked myself out of my house. My parents did something unforgivable. I hadn't planned to come here, but it was the only place I knew of."

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