Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Violet woke up to the sun through her window, entangled in Draco's arms. It was the most comfortable she'd been for a long time.

"Good morning," he whispered, his voice thick with sleep.

"I thought you'd still be asleep."

"I wish I was."

"I'll close the blinds so we can go back to sleep." She shifted to get up, but he tightened his grip on her. "Draco."

"You're not getting up. Just get your wand."

"I have to turn to get that."

He sighed. "I guess they're staying open then."

The coffee pot in the kitchen kicked on and Violet sighed. "Time to get up. Theresa'll be up soon, and we'd better catch her before she leaves. After work she's much too stressed to consider anything."

Grudgingly he agreed, and they got up. Violet slipped on a pair of house shoes, given that the wood floor was cold in the mornings. Draco sat beside her and waited for her to stand. "Theresa works, but do you?"

"Yes. I'm a regular in the Prophet. Pen name Victor Ress–to keep my initials."

"You're Ress?" He smiled. "I read your column every Tuesday."

"Really? I didn't think you'd find social politics all that interesting." She'd started writing a weekly article about the injustices of unintentional segregation and Muggleborn prejudice. Honestly, she didn't think a single Pureblood besides the Weasley's would read it.

"More interesting than Skeeter's gossip column." He kissed her cheek and stood up, taking her hand as he did. Violet felt a rush of joy; this was how she wanted to spend the rest of her life.

When they walked out, Theresa was already up and staring at the coffee pot. "Hurry up," she was muttering. "I need t' get ready, and that isn't happening till I've got–Draco!" She shot upright. "When did you get here? When did he get here?" She looked at Violet accusingly. "I thought you'd be moping in bed all day–I called into work this morning!"

"You did?" Violet smiled.

Theresa's eyes got wide. "No. Whatever you're thinking, no. Absolutely not!"

"None of us need to work today." Draco looked down at her, watching her get excited. "Draco needs more clothes, and we have a proposition for you."

She rubbed her eyes and leaned back against the counter. "It's too early for this. Let me have a cup of coffee first."

"Come on, Theresa. Let's go out." Violet ran over and pulled her forward. "Get coffee at Achie's. Just throw something on."

She sighed and cleaned up the coffee. "Fine. But I'll bet my wand he didn't come in looking like that. Both of you have to be dressed by the time I'm done otherwise I make coffee."


Rushing down to her room, Violet threw the door closed and calmly went to her closet. "Don't rush. She's not very fast about getting ready, especially when she hasn't had coffee. I'm going for a shower. Hm...this, or this?" She held up two sets of robes–one burgundy and one navy blue. He shrugged. "Come on. These are my two favorites; Theresa got this one for me for my birthday," she lifted the burgundy, "and this one shimmers when I walk."

"I don't care. They'll both look good on you."

She sighed, looked down at them, and put back the navy one. "Alright. Give me half an hour."

He smiled and swung around the bedpost. "Oh? What happened to an hour?"

She lifted several strands of hair. "I chopped this all off."

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