Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Lights flicked on. Bells were rung. People started groaning and moaning around.

But it was Theresa's electric shock spell that finally woke Violet. "Professor Snape's called us all into the Great Hall," she said quickly. "We're supposed to get dressed and meet in the commons. Come on, get up!"

The news was a shock. They'd never been called in the middle of the night before. Sure they'd slept in the Great Hall, but never woken up and told to go there. Was there a sudden danger?

Everyone in the common room was yawning and rubbing their eyes; apart from that it was silent as the initial surprise wore off and everyone just wanted to be back in bed.

A sharp clap caught their attention, and their Head of House said, "You'll walk in lines of ten; no more, no less. You'll stand at attention. You'll be completely silent. Form your lines as you wish and out the door! Now!"

People blinked several times to wake up enough to do as they were told, and lines began forming outside the door. Four rows had formed by the time Violet and Theresa filed out the door. Draco tapped her shoulder when he came out, and she turned. "See me later," he mouthed. She nodded; he didn't look happy. Not that he should. But at least they'd have it out and be done with it.

Most of what Snape said went in one ear and out the other for Violet, who was still smothering yawns when Harry Potter stepped out of the crowd. Her eyes bulged and she grabbed Theresa's wrist.

"Harry Potter!" she shrieked quietly to her friend. "I didn't think we'd see him again–not here at least!"

"How dare you stand where he stood!" Harry said. Violet was still caught up in the fact that they'd been pulled out of bed for a seventeen year old boy that didn't even have a wand anymore, and she didn't hear most of what was said.

But then Snape drew his wand. People began backing away, and some stumbled over their robes. Then McGonagall stepped in front of Harry, and everyone raced against the walls. Spells flew, as Snape fought to get to Harry and McGonagall fought to protect Harry.

Violet scanned the crowd on the other side of the room for Hermione. Where was she? Was she alright? There! Right beside Ron! They were all alright. Their absence hadn't meant their decline of health at all. Yes they were weary, but so was everyone else. Look, Neville and the others had come out from their hiding spot too.

Snape fled through the window; people began to rejoice. Then an awful voice, like the creaking of the Shrieking Shack, and deadly as a viper, whispered through their ears. Everyone froze. Those who had the great fortune of never having heard it before were as one petrified, while others shivered. Violet simply stepped back against the wall, almost immediately flanked by Crabbe and Goyle as Draco shoved his way through.

"I don't care what happens or how well you think you can protect yourself," he hissed at her even as the Dark Lord spoke. Draco's voice was louder, and she gave him her full attention. "Do not leave my side. I'll go wherever you go—"

"Hand over Harry Potter."

At those words both Draco and Violet froze. A few words later his terrifying presence was gone, and they looked at each other. Draco shook his head slowly. He knew what would happen.

All was silent for a few moments. Then Pansy shrieked, "What are you waiting for? Somebody grab him!"

Order members, and most of Gryffindor house, as well as others from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, gravitated around Harry.

"Students!" wheezed Filch as he ran in. "Students out of bed!"

McGonagall said impatiently, "Yes, Filch! The students are supposed to be out of bed! Now take Slytherin house and lead them down to the dungeons please."

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