Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

On the train ride back after the spring holiday, Violet, Theresa, and Draco were sharing a compartment. Crabbe and Goyle were off tormenting a younger student, without magic now since magic was forbidden unless you were on Hogwarts grounds. It applied even to those who were seventeen. As long as you were a student, it was against the rules.

Violet and Theresa were discussing classes, and that they hoped to finish out the year with good marks on their NEWT's. Draco was silent; Violet considered his expression very guarded. Of course, this meant that she had to pry.

"Draco, what's the matter?"

He blinked a few times and looked in from the window. "Why do you ask?"

"You had that look on your face. The one that you get when you think about your out-of-class activities."

"Had I?" He frowned. "I wasn't."

"Really?" she asked comically. "Do tell."

"I was considering the aftermath."

"Oh?" Theresa said.

"If he wins, it won't matter what marks you get. Violet will be forced to stay at home, as will you, and only wizards of pure blood will get jobs anywhere. Half bloods perhaps will receive the leftovers, but all Muggleborns will be killed or thrown in Azkaban. You're supposed to be at least pretending to believe that he will win," he said, shaking his head as he looked back out the window. "Wanting good marks to get good jobs is just the opposite."

"We're in private right now," Violet said. "It doesn't matter what we say."

"You're stupid and naïve if you believe that."

"Perhaps I'm forcing myself to be, because I want to believe that the Order and Harry Potter can win. My friends for my first four years of Hogwarts are fighting with them; I'd be daft to not consider their strength."

"You're daft to underestimate him."

She set her jaw, liking the direction of neither the conversation nor his thoughts. So she turned to Theresa. "I'd be glad to move in with you after the year's out."

"What?" Draco's head snapped over. "You're leaving the Manor?"

"You're both welcome," Theresa said. "I would never try to separate you. That's why I invited you both to visit; if you liked it alright, I would ask you to move in."

"It's shameful not to move out at some point," Violet said. "Especially once you're seventeen and have finished school."

"When were you planning to discuss this with me?"

"Whenever it came up in conversation, as it just did."

"And why would I move from my house and servants to a minuscule flat?"

"Because I'm moving," she said firmly. "I will not stay in a house where my parents are being tortured and my friends held captive any longer. I am moving to live with Theresa. That is my decision. If you don't want to move, that's yours."

He grit his teeth. "Violet, it's too dangerous for you to be alone."

"I'm fully capable of protecting myself," she hissed. Suddenly the compartment felt very hot as she flushed with anger.

"Have you forgotten that the only thing keeping you from death is the fact that Vincent hasn't come to see you? You are the reason your life is in danger!" He stood up, but she wasn't going to let him assert any advantage over her. She stood up.

"You brought me in! Twice! I was happy where I was. I had Theresa. I had Vincent. Then you dragged me into this–away from both of them. And I was content right there. Then you cursed me and pushed me away like I was deadly poison. I grew content. I had my old friends from Gryffindor back. I had Theresa and Vincent back. But then you came and ruined it! You destroyed my life twice, and I let you. But not this time. You will not control me."

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